Introduction to computer Hardware and software: Computer generations, computer types, bits, bytes and words, CPU, Primary memory, Secondary memory, ports and connections, input devices, output devices, Computers in a network, Network hardware, Software basics, software types.
Overview of C: Basic structure of C program, executing a C program. Constant, variable and data types, Operators and expressions, (RBT Levels : Ll & L2)
Managing Input and output operations. Conditional Branching and Loops. Example programs, Finding roots of a quadratic equation, computation of binomial coefficients, plotting of Pascals triangle. (RBT Levels : Ll & L2)
Arrays: Arrays (1-D, 2-D), Character arrays and Strings, Basic Algorithms: Searching and Sorting Algorithms (Linear search, Binary search, Bubble sort and Selection sort). (RBT Levels : Ll, Ll & L3)
User Defined Functions and Recursion.
Example programs, Finding Factorial of a positive integers and Fibonacci series. (RBT Levels : Ll, L2 & L3)
Structure and Pointers, Preprocessor Directives (RBT Levels : Ll, L2 & L3)