10CS845 Clouds, Grids and Clusters syllabus for CS

Part A
Unit-1 Introduction 6 hours

Overview of Cloud Computing, Applications, Intranets and the Cloud, When can cloud Computing be used? Benefits and limitations,Security concerns, Regulatory issues

Unit-2 Business Case for Cloud, Examples of Cloud Services 6 hours

Cloud computing services, Help to the business, Deleting the data center. Examples: Google, Microsoft, IBM, Salesforce.com and its uses, Cloud at Thomson Reuters.

Unit-3 Technology, Cloud Storage, Standards 7 hours

Cloud Computing Technology: Clients, Security, Network, Services. Overview of Cloud storage, Some providers of Cloud storage. Standards: Applications, Clients, Infrastructure, Service.

Unit-4 Other issues 7 hours

Overview of SaaS (Software as a Service), Driving forces, Company offerings: Google, Microsoft, IBM. Software plus Service: Overview, Mobile device integration Local Clouds, Thin Clients, Migrating to the Cloud: Virtualization, Server solutions, Thin clients, Cloud services for individuals, mid-markets, and enterprises, Migration.

Part B
Unit-5 GRID Computing – 1 7 hours

Introduction: Data Center, The Grid and the Distributed/ High Performance Computing, Cluster Computing and Grid Computing, Metacomputing – the Precursor of Grid Computing, Scientific, Business and e-Governance Grids, Web services and Grid Computing, Business Computing and the Grid – a Potential Win win Situation, e- Governance and the Grid. Technologies and Architectures for Grid Computing: Clustering and Grid Computing, Issues in Data Grids, Key Functional Requirements in Grid Computing, Standards for Grid Computing , Recent Technological Trends in Large Data Grids.OGSA and WSRF: OGSA for Resource Distribution, Stateful Web Services in OGSA, WSRF (Web Services Resource Framework), Resource Approach to Stateful Services, WSRF Specification. The Grid and the Database: Issues in Database Integration with the Grid, The Requirements of a Grid enabled database, Storage Request Broker (SRB), How to integrate the Database with the Grid? The Architecture of OGSA- DAI for Offering Grid Database Services

Unit-6 GRID Computing – 2 6 hours

World Wide Grid Computing Activites, Organizations and Projects: Standards Organizations, Organizations Developing Grid Computing Tool Kits, Framework and Middleware, Grid Projects and Organizations Building and Using Grid Based Solutions.Web Services and the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): History and Background, Service Oriented Architecture, How a Web Service Works, SOAP and WSDL, Description, Creating Web Services, Server Side. Globus Toolkit: History of Globus Toolkit, Versions of Globus Toolkit, Applications of GT4 – cases, GT4 – Approaches and Benefits, Infrastructure Management, Monitoring and Discovery, Security, Data, Choreography and Coordination, Main Features of GT4 Functionality – a Summary, GT4 Architecture, GT4 Command Line Programs, GT4 Containers.

Unit-7 Cluster Computing – 1 7 hours

Introduction: What is Cluster Computing, Approaches to Parallel Computing, How to Achieve Low Cost Parallel Computing through Clusters, Definition and Architecture of a Cluster, What is the Functionality a Cluster can offer? Categories of Clusters Cluster Middleware: Levels and Layers of Single System Image (SSI), Cluster Middleware Design Objectives, Resource Management and Scheduling, Cluster Programming Environment and Tools. Early Cluster Architectures and High Throughput Computing Clusters: Early Cluster Architectures, High Throughput Computing Clusters, Condor. Setting up and Administering a Cluster: How to set up a Simple Cluster? Design considerations for the Front End of a Cluster, Setting up nodes, Clusters of Clusters or Metaclusters, System Monitoring, Directory Services inside the Clusters & DCE, Global Clocks Sync, Administering heterogeneous Clusters.

Unit-8 Cluster Computing – 2 6 hours

Cluster Technology for High Availability: Highly Available Clusters, High Availability Parallel Computing, Mission Critical (or Business Critical or Business Continuity) Applications, Types of Failures and Errors, Cluster Architectures and Configurations for High Availability, Faults and Error Detection, Failure Recovery, Failover / Recovery Clusters. Performance Model and Simulation: Performance Measures and Metrics, Profit Effectiveness of Parallel Computing through Clusters. Process Scheduling, Load Sharing and Load Balancing: Job Management System (JMS) Resource Management System (RMS), Queues, Hosts, Resources, Jobs and Policies, Policies for Resource Utilization, Scheduling Policies Load Sharing and Load Balancing, Strategies for Load Balancing, Modeling Parameters Case Studies of Cluster Systems: Beowulf, PARAM.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023