15CS652 Software Architecture and Design Patterns syllabus for CS

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction 8 hours

Introduction: what is a design pattern? describing design patterns, the catalog of design pattern, organizing the catalog, how design patterns solve design problems, how to select a design pattern, how to use a design pattern. What is object-oriented development? , key concepts of object oriented design other related concepts, benefits and drawbacks of the paradigm

Module-2 Analysis a System 8 hours

Analysis a System: overview of the analysis phase, stage 1: gathering the requirements functional requirements specification, defining conceptual classes and relationships, using the knowledge of the domain. Design and Implementation, discussions and further reading.

Module-3 Design Pattern Catalog 8 hours

Design Pattern Catalog: Structural patterns, Adapter, bridge, composite, decorator, facade, flyweight, proxy.

Module-4 Interactive systems and the MVC architecture 8 hours

Interactive systems and the MVC architecture: Introduction , The MVC architectural pattern, analyzing a simple drawing program , designing the system, designing of the subsystems, getting into implementation , implementing undo operation , drawing incomplete items, adding a new feature , pattern based solutions.

Module-5 Designing with Distributed Objects 8 hours

Designing with Distributed Objects: Client server system, java remote method invocation, implementing an object oriented system on the web (discussions and further reading) a note on input and output, selection statements, loops arrays.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023