17CS833 Network management syllabus for CS

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction 8 hours


Analogy of Telephone Network Management, Data and Telecommunication Network Distributed computing Environments, TCP/IPBased Networks: The Internet and Intranets, Communications Protocols and Standards- Communication Architectures, Protocol Layers and Services; Case Histories of Networking and Management – The Importance of topology , Filtering Does Not Reduce Load on Node, Some Common Network Problems; Challenges of Information Technology Managers, Network Management: Goals, Organization, and Functions- Goal of Network Management, Network Provisioning, Network Operations and the NOC, Network Installation and Maintenance; Network and System Management, Network Management System platform, Current Status and Future of Network Management.

Module-2 Basic Foundations 8 hours

Basic Foundations:

Standards, Models, and Language: Network Management Standards, Network Management Model, Organization Model, Information Model – Management Information Trees, Managed Object Perspectives, Communication Model; ASN.1- Terminology, Symbols, and Conventions, Objects and Data Types, Object Names, An Example of ASN.1 from ISO 8824; Encoding Structure; Macros, Functional Model.

Module-3 SNMPv1 Network Management 8 hours

SNMPv1 Network Management:

Managed Network: The History of SNMP Management, Internet Organizations and standards, Internet Documents, The SNMP Model, The Organization Model, System Overview. The Information Model – Introduction, The Structure of Management Information, Managed Objects, Management Information Base. The SNMP Communication Model – The SNMP Architecture, Administrative Model, SNMP Specifications, SNMP Operations, SNMP MIB Group, Functional Model SNMP Management – RMON: Remote Monitoring, RMON SMI and MIB, RMONI1- RMON1 Textual Conventions, RMON1 Groups and Functions, Relationship Between Control and Data Tables, RMON1 Common and Ethernet Groups, RMON Token Ring Extension Groups, RMON2 – The RMON2 Management Information Base, RMON2 Conformance Specifications.

Module-4 Broadband Access Networks 8 hours

Broadband Access Networks, Broadband Access Technology; HFCT Technology: The Broadband LAN, The Cable Modem, The Cable Modem Termination System, The HFC Plant, The RF Spectrum for Cable Modem; Data Over Cable, Reference Architecture; HFC Management – Cable Modem and CMTS Management, HFC Link Management, RF Spectrum Management, DSL Technology; Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Technology – Role of the ADSL Access Network in an Overall Network, ADSL Architecture, ADSL Channeling Schemes, ADSL Encoding Schemes; ADSL Management – ADSL Network Management Elements, ADSL Configuration Management, ADSL Fault Management, ADSL Performance Management, SNMP-Based ADSL Line MIB, MIB Integration with Interfaces Groups in MIB-2, ADSL Configuration Profiles

Module-5 Network Management Applications 8 hours

Network Management Applications:

Configuration Management- Network Provisioning, Inventory Management, Network Topology, Fault Management- Fault Detection, Fault Location and Isolation 24 Techniques, Performance Management – Performance Metrics, Data Monitoring, Problem Isolation, Performance Statistics; Event Correlation Techniques – Rule-Based Reasoning, Model-Based Reasoning, CaseBased Reasoning, Codebook correlation Model, State Transition Graph Model, Finite State Machine Model, Security Management – Policies and Procedures, Security Breaches and the Resources Needed to Prevent Them, Firewalls, Cryptography, Authentication and Authorization, Client/Server Authentication Systems, Messages Transfer Security, Protection of Networks from Virus Attacks, Accounting Management, Report Management, Policy- Based Management, Service Level Management.


Course outcomes:

The students should be able to:

  • Analyze the issues and challenges pertaining to management of emerging network technologies such as wired/wireless networks and high-speed internets.
  • Apply network management standards to manage practical networks
  • Formulate possible approaches for managing OSI network model.
  • Infer SNMP for managing the network
  • Infer RMON for monitoring the behavior of the network
  • Identify the various components of network and formulate the scheme for the managing them


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions.
  • There will be 2 questions from each module.
  • Each question will have questions covering all the topics under a module.
  • The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.


Text Books:

1. Mani Subramanian: Network Management- Principles and Practice, 2nd Pearson Education, 2010.


Reference Books:

1. J. Richard Burke: Network management Concepts and Practices: a Hands-On Approach, PHI, 2008.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023