Computer Graphics and OpenGL: Computer Graphics: Basics of computer graphics, Application of Computer Graphics, Video Display Devices: Random Scan and Raster Scan displays, graphics software. OpenGL: Introduction to OpenGL ,coordinate reference frames, specifying two-dimensional world coordinate reference frames in OpenGL, OpenGL point functions, OpenGL line functions, point attributes, line attributes, curve attributes, OpenGL point attribute functions, OpenGL line attribute functions, Line drawing algorithms(DDA, Bresenham‟s), circle generation algorithms (Bresenham‟s).
Text-1:Chapter -1: 1-1 to 1-9, 2-1(page 39 to 41),2.8,2.9,3-1 to 3-5,3-9,3-20
Fill area Primitives, 2D Geometric Transformations and 2D viewing:
Fill area Primitives: Polygon fill-areas, OpenGL polygon fill area functions, fill area attributes, general scan line polygon fill algorithm, OpenGL fill-area attribute functions. 2DGeometric Transformations: Basic 2D Geometric Transformations, matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates. Inverse transformations, 2DComposite transformations, other 2D transformations, raster methods for geometric transformations, OpenGL raster transformations, OpenGL geometric transformations function, 2D viewing: 2D viewing pipeline, OpenGL 2D viewing functions. Text-1:Chapter 3-14 to 3-16,4-9,4-10,4-14,5-1 to 5-7,5-17,6-1,6-4
Clipping, 3D Geometric Transformations, Color and Illumination Models:
Clipping: clipping window, normalization and viewport transformations, clipping algorithms,2D point clipping, 2D line clipping algorithms: cohen-sutherland line clipping only -polygon fill area clipping: Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm only.3DGeometric Transformations: 3D translation, rotation, scaling, composite 3D transformations, other 3D transformations, affine transformations, OpenGL geometric transformations functions. Color Models: Properties of light, color models, RGB and CMY color models. Illumination Models: Light sources, basic illumination models-Ambient light, diffuse reflection, specular and phong model, Corresponding openGL functions.
Text-1:Chapter :6-2 to 6-08 (Excluding 6-4),5-9 to 5-17(Excluding 5-15),12-1,12-2,12- 4,12-6,10-1,10-3
3D Viewing and Visible Surface Detection:
3DViewing:3D viewing concepts, 3D viewing pipeline, 3D viewing coordinate parameters , Transformation from world to viewing coordinates, Projection transformation, orthogonal projections, perspective projections, The viewport transformation and 3D screen coordinates. OpenGL 3D viewing functions. Visible Surface Detection Methods: Classification of visible surface Detection algorithms, depth buffer method only and OpenGL visibility detection functions.
Text-1:Chapter: 7-1 to 7-10(Excluding 7-7), 9-1,9-3, 9-14
Input & interaction, Curves and Computer Animation:
Input and Interaction: Input devices, clients and servers, Display Lists, Display Lists and Modeling, Programming Event Driven Input, Menus Picking, Building Interactive Models, Animating Interactive programs, Design of Interactive programs, Logic operations .Curved surfaces, quadric surfaces, OpenGL Quadric-Surface and Cubic-Surface Functions, Bezier Spline Curves, Bezier surfaces, OpenGL curve functions. Corresponding openGL functions.
Text-1:Chapter :8-3 to 8-6 (Excluding 8-5),8-9,8-10,8-11,3-8,8-18,13-11,3-2,13-3,13- 4,13-10
Text-2:Chapter 3: 3-1 to 3.11: Input& interaction
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to :
Question Paper Pattern:
1. Donald Hearn & Pauline Baker: Computer Graphics with OpenGL Version,3rd / 4th Edition, Pearson Education,2011
2. Edward Angel: Interactive Computer Graphics- A Top Down approach with OpenGL, 5th edition. Pearson Education, 2008
Reference Books:
1. James D Foley, Andries Van Dam, Steven K Feiner, John F Huges Computer graphics with OpenGL: pearson education
2. Xiang, Plastock : Computer Graphics , sham‟s outline series, 2nd edition, TMG.
3. Kelvin Sung, Peter Shirley, steven Baer : Interactive Computer Graphics, concepts and applications, Cengage Learning
4. M M Raikar & Shreedhara K S Computer Graphics using OpenGL, Cengage publication