18CS81 Internet of Things syllabus for CS

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 What is IoT 8 hours

What is IoT, Genesis of IoT, IoT and Digitization, IoT Impact, Convergence of IT and IoT, IoT Challenges, IoT Network Architecture and Design, Drivers Behind New Network Architectures, Comparing IoT Architectures, A Simplified IoT Architecture, The Core IoT Functional Stack, IoT Data Management and Compute Stack.

Module-2 Smart Objects 8 hours

Smart Objects:

The “Things” in IoT, Sensors, Actuators, and Smart Objects, Sensor Networks, Connecting Smart Objects, Communications Criteria, IoT Access Technologies.

Module-3 IP as the IoT Network Layer 8 hours

IP as the IoT Network Layer, The Business Case for IP, The need for Optimization, Optimizing IP for IoT, Profiles and Compliances, Application Protocols for IoT, The Transport Layer, IoT Application Transport Methods.

Module-4 Data and Analytics for IoT 8 hours

Data and Analytics for IoT, An Introduction to Data Analytics for IoT, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics Tools and Technology, Edge Streaming Analytics, Network Analytics, Securing IoT, A Brief History of OT Security, Common Challenges in OT Security, How IT and OT Security Practices and Systems Vary, Formal Risk Analysis Structures: OCTAVE and FAIR, The Phased Application of Security in an Operational Environment

Module-5 IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints - Arduino UNO 8 hours

IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints - Arduino UNO:

Introduction to Arduino, Arduino UNO, Installing the Software, Fundamentals of Arduino Programming. IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints - RaspberryPi: Introduction to RaspberryPi, About the RaspberryPi Board: Hardware Layout, Operating Systems on RaspberryPi, Configuring RaspberryPi, Programming RaspberryPi with Python, Wireless Temperature Monitoring System Using Pi, DS18B20 Temperature Sensor, Connecting Raspberry Pi via SSH, Accessing Temperature from DS18B20 sensors, Remote access to RaspberryPi, Smart and Connected Cities, An IoT Strategy for Smarter Cities, Smart City IoT Architecture, Smart City Security Architecture, Smart City Use-Case Examples.


Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to :

  • Interpret the impact and challenges posed by IoT networks leading to new architectural models.
  • Compare and contrast the deployment of smart objects and the technologies to connect them to network.
  • Appraise the role of IoT protocols for efficient network communication.
  • Elaborate the need for Data Analytics and Security in IoT.
  • Illustrate different sensor technologies for sensing real world entities and identify the applications of IoT in Industry.


Question Paper Pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions.
  • Each full Question consisting of 20 marks
  • There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions) from each module.
  • Each full question will have sub questions covering all the topics under a module.
  • The students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.



1. David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Robert Barton, Jerome Henry,"IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols, and Use Cases for the Internet of Things”, 1 stEdition, Pearson Education (Cisco Press Indian Reprint). (ISBN: 978-9386873743)

2. Srinivasa K G, “Internet of Things”,CENGAGE Leaning India, 2017


Reference Books:

1. Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”, 1 stEdition, VPT, 2014. (ISBN: 978-8173719547)

2. Raj Kamal, “Internet of Things: Architecture and Design Principles”, 1 st Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017. (ISBN: 978-9352605224)


Mandatory Note:

Distribution of CIE Marks is a follows (Total 40 Marks):

  • 20 Marks through IA Tests
  • 20 Marks through practical assessment

Maintain a copy of the report for verification during LIC visit.


Posssible list of practicals:

1. Transmit a string using UART

2. Point-to-Point communication of two Motes over the radio frequency.

3. Multi-point to single point communication of Motes over the radio frequency.LAN (Subnetting).

4. I2C protocol study

5. Reading Temperature and Relative Humidity value from the sensor

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023