17CT43 Surveying – II syllabus for CT

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 THEODOLITE SURVEY 10 hours


Theodolite and types, Fundamental axes and parts of a transit theodolite, uses of theodolite, Temporary adjustments of a transit theodolite, Measurement of horizontal angles – Method of repetitions and reiterations, Measurements of vertical angles, Prolonging a straight line by a theodolite in adjustment and theodolite not in adjustment 6 Hrs



Interrelationship between fundamental axes for instrument to be in adjustment and step by step procedure of obtaining permanent adjustments 4 Hrs



Determination of elevation of objects when the base is accessible and inaccessible by single plane and double plane method, Distance and difference in elevation between two inaccessible objects by double plane method. Salient features of Total Station, Advantages of Total Station over conventional instruments, Application of Total Station.

Module-3 TACHEOMETRY 10 hours


Basic principle, Types of tacheometric survey, Tacheometric equation for horizontal line of sight and inclined line of sight in fixed hair method, Anallactic lens in external focusing telescopes, Reducing the constants in internal focusing telescope, Moving hair method and tangential method, Subtance bar, Beaman stadia arc. 5 Hrs


CURVE SETTING (Simple curves)

Curves – Necessity – Types, Simple curves, Elements, Designation of curves, Setting out simple curves by linear methods, Setting out curves by Rankines deflection angle method. 5 Hrs

Module-4 CURVE SETTING (Compound and Reverse curves) 10 hours

CURVE SETTING (Compound and Reverse curves)

Compound curves, Elements, Design of compound curves, Setting out of compound curves, Reverse curve between two parallel straights (Equal radius and unequal radius). 5Hrs


CURVE SETTING (Transition and Vertical curves)

Transition curves, Characteristics, Length of Transition curve, Setting out cubic Parabola and Bernoulli’s Lemniscates, Vertical curves – Types – Simple numerical problems. 5Hrs

Module-5 AREAS AND VOLUMES 10 hours


Calculation of area from cross staff surveying, Calculation of area of a closed traverse by coordinates method. Planimeter – principle of working and use of planimeter to measure areas, digital planimter, Computations of volumes by trapezoidal and prismoidal rule, Capacity contours


Course outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Possess a sound knowledge of fundamental principles of surveying

2. Measurement of vertical and horizontal plane, linear and angular dimensions to arrive at solutions to basic surveying problems

3. Apply the knowledge of conventional surveying methods for curve setting

4. Analyse the data to compute areas and volumes and draw contours.


Program Objectives (as per NBA)

1. Engineering Knowledge.

2. Problem Analysis.

3. Interpretation of data.


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have Ten questions, each full question carrying 16 marks.
  • There will be two full questions (with a maximum Three sub divisions, if necessary) from each module.
  • Each full question shall cover the topics under a module.
  • The students shall answer Five full questions selecting one full question from each module.
  • If more than one question is answered in modules, best answer will be considered for the award of marks limiting one full question answer in each module.


Text Books:

1. ‘Surveying’ Vol 2 and Vol 3 - B. C. Punmia, Laxmi Publications

2.‘Plane Surveying’ A. M. Chandra – New age international ( P) Ltd

3.‘Higher Surveying’ A.M. Chandra New age international (P) Ltd


Reference Books:

7. Fundamentals of Surveying - Milton O. Schimidt – Wong, Thomson Learning.

8. Fundamentals of Surveying - S.K. Roy – Prentice Hall of India

9. Surveying, Arther Bannister et al., Pearson Education, India

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023