STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS 1.1 Forms of structures, 1.2 Conditions of equilibrium, 1.3 Degree of freedom, 1.4 Linear and Non linear structures, 1.5 One, two, three dimensional structural systems, 1.6 Determinate and indeterminate structures [Static and Kinematics]. PLANE TRUSSES 1.7 Introduction, 1.8 Assumptions, 1.9 Analysis by method of joints, 1.10 Analysis by method of sections
2.1 Moment area method, 2.2 Conjugate beam method
3.1 Strain energy and complimentary strain energy, 3.2 Strain energy due to axial load, bending and shear, 3.3 Theorem of minimum potential energy, 3.4 Law of conservation of energy, 3.5 Principle of virtual work, 3.6 The first and second theorem of Castigliano, problems on beams, frames and trusses, 3.7 Betti’s law, 3.8 Clarke - Maxwell’s theorem of reciprocal deflection.
4.1 Deflection of beams and trusses using strain energy and unit load methods
5.1 Three hinged circular and parabolic arches with supports at same levels and different levels, 5.2 Determination of thrust, shear and bending moment, 5.3 Analysis of cables under point loads and UDL, length of cables (Supports at same levels and at different levels).
6.1 Consistent deformation method – Propped cantilever and fixed beams 6.2 Strain Energy method – Propped cantilever and fixed beams.
7.1 Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments – continuous beams and fixed beams
8.1 Two hinged parabolic arch, 8.2 Two hinged Circular Arch