Necessity for sanitation, methods of domestic waste water disposal, types of sewerage systems and their suitability. Dry weather flow, factors affecting dry weather flow, flow variations and their effects on design of sewerage system; computation of design flow, estimation of storm flow, rational method and empirical formulae of design of storm water drain. Time of concentration.
Design of sewers: Hydraulic formulae for velocity, effects of flow variations on velocity, self cleansing and non scouring velocities, Design of hydraulic elements for circular sewers flowing full and flowing partially full (No derivations). Materials of sewers: Sewer materials, shapes of sewers, laying of sewers, joints and testing of sewers, ventilation and cleaning of sewers.
Catch basins, manholes, flushing tanks, oil and grease traps, Drainage traps. Basic principles of house drainage. Typical layout plan showing house drainage connections, maintenance of house drainage.
Sampling, significance, techniques and frequency. Physical, Chemical and Biological characteristics, Aerobic and Anaerobic activity, CNS cycles. BOD and COD. Their significance & problems
Disposal of Effluents by dilution, self-purification phenomenon. Oxygen sag curve, Zones of purification, Sewage farming, sewage sickness, Effluent Disposal standards for land, surface water & ocean. Numerical Problems on Disposal of Effluents. Streeter Phelps equation.
Flow diagram of municipal waste water treatment plant. Preliminary & Primary treatment : Screening, grit chambers, skimming tanks, primary sedimentation tanks – Design criteria & Design examples.
Suspended growth and fixed film bioprocess. Trickling filter – theory and operation, types and designs. Activated sludge process- Principle and flow diagram, Modifications of ASP, F/M ratio. Design of ASP.
Anaerobic Sludge digestion, Sludge digestion tanks, Design of Sludge drying beds. Low cost waste treatment method. Septic tank, Oxidation Pond and Oxidation ditches – Design. Reuse and recycle of waste water.