Introduction, stress distribution in end block, investigations on Anchorage zone stresses, Magnel and Guyon’s Methods, Comparative Analysis, Anchorage zone reinforcement.
Shear and principal stresses, ultimate shear resistance, design of shear reinforcement, Torsion, Design of reinforcement for torsion, shear & bending.
Introduction, Composite structural members, types of composite construction, analysis of stresses, differential shrinkage, deflection, serviceability limit state, flexural strength, shear strength design.
Introduction, Ties, pressure pipes – fabrication process, analysis, design and specifications, cylindrical containers-construction Techniques, analysis, Design and specifications, Ring beams.
Introduction, Advantages of continuous members, effect of prestressing indeterminate structures, methods of analysis of secondary moments, concordant cable profile, Guyon’s theorem, Ultimate load analysis, Determination of concordant tendon profile, Design of continuous beams and portal frames.
Introduction, Columns, short columns, long columns, biaxially loaded columns, Design specification.
Types of floor slabs, Design of one way and two way slabs. Flat slabs-Indian code and distribution of prestressing tendons, Analysis and design of grid floors.
Introduction, Prestressed concrete poles-manufacturing techniques, shapes and cross sectional properties, design loads, design principles, Railway sleepers-classification and Manufacturing techniques, design loads, analysis and design Principles, Prestressed concrete pavements, slab and wall panels.