Geographic Information system concepts and spatial models. Introduction, Spatial information, temporal information, conceptual models of spatial information, representation of geographic information. GIS Functionality – Introduction, data acquisition, preliminary data processing, data storage and retrieval, spatial search and analysis, graphics and interaction.
Computer Fundamentals of GIS and Data storage, Fundamentals of computers vector/raster storage character files and binary files, file organization, linked lists, chains, trees. Coordinate systems and map projection : Rectangular polar and spherical coordinates, types of map projections, choosing a map projection.
Cartographic map model, Geo-relation model, vector/raster methods, non-spatial data base structure viz., hierarchal network, relational structures.
Entering the spatial data (digitizing), the non-spatial, associated attributes, linking spatial and non-spatial data, use of digitizers and scanners of different types.
Sources of errors in GIS data, obvious sources, natural variations and the processing errors and accuracy. Principles of Spatial data access and search, regular and object oriented decomposition, introduction to spatial data analysis, and overlay analysis, raster analysis, network analysis in GIS.
GIS and remote sensing data integration techniques in spatial decision support system land suitability and multioriteria evaluation, role based systems, network analysis, special interaction modeling, Virtual GIS.
Data base positioning systems, desirable characteristics of data base management systems, components of a data base management system, understanding the data conceptual modeling.
Global positioning system, hyper spectral remote sensing, DIP techniques, hardware and software requirements for GIS, overview of GIS software.