1.1 Definition of Surveying, 1.2 Classification of Surveys, 1.3 Uses ofSurveying Units of Measurements, 1.4 Map & Classification, 1.5 Survey ofIndia topographical Maps and their numbering., 1.6 Basic principles ofsurveying, 1.7 Errors, Classification, 1.8 Precision and accuracy.
2.1 Chain and types, 2.2 Tape and types, 2.3 EDM devices, 2.3 Ranging oflines 2.4 Direct and Indirect, 2.5 Measurement of distances over slopinggrounds, 2.6 Chain and Tape corrections - Numerical problems.
3.1 Accessories required, 3.2 Selection of stations and lines, 3.3 Offsets andtypes 3.4 Setting out of right angles, 3.5 Working principle and use of opticalsquare, prism square, cross staff., 3.6 Linear methods of setting out rightangles, 3.7 Booking of chain survey work, 3.8 Field book, entries,conventional symbols, 3.9 Obstacles in chain survey, Numerical problems,3.10 Errors in chain survey and precautions to be taken.
4.1 Meridians and bearings, 4.2 Principle, working and use of - Prismaticcompass 4.3 Surveyor’s compass, 4.4 Magnetic bearing, true bearings, 4.5WCB and Reduced bearing. 4.6 Dip and Declination4.7 Accessories required for compass surveying, 4.8 Traverse - closed andopen traverse 4.9 Computation of bearings of legs of closed traverse giventhe bearing of one of the legs, 4.10 Computation of included angles given thebearings of legs of a closed traverse.
5.1 Local attraction, determination and corrections, 5.2 Dependent andindependent co-ordinates, 5.3 Checks for closed traverse and determinationof closing error and its direction 5.4 Bowditch’s graphical method ofadjustment of closed traverse, 5.5 Bowditch’s rule and transit rule, 5.6Omitted measurements (Only Length and corresponding bearing of one line).
6.1 Principles and basic definitions, 6.2 Fundamental axes and part of adumpy level, 6.3 Types of adjustments and objectives, 6.4 Temporaryadjustments of a dumpy level, 6.5 Sensitiveness of bubble tube, 6.6Curvature and refraction correction, 6.7 Type of leveling, 6.8 Simpleleveling, 6.9 Reciprocal leveling, 6.10 Profile leveling, 6.11 Cross sectioning,6.12 Fly leveling
7.1 Booking of levels 7.2 Rise and fall method and Height of instrumentmethod 7.3 comparison Arithmetic checks 7.4 Fly back leveling., 7.5 Errorsand precautions.6 HoursContouring7.6 Contours and their characteristics, 7.7 Methods of contouring, 7.8 directand indirect methods, 7.9 Interpolation techniques, 7.10 Uses of contours7.11 Numerical problems on determining intervisibility, 7.12 Grade contoursand uses.4 Hours
7.1 Booking of levels 7.2 Rise and fall method and Height of instrumentmethod 7.3 comparison Arithmetic checks 7.4 Fly back leveling., 7.5 Errorsand precautions.6 HoursContouring7.6 Contours and their characteristics, 7.7 Methods of contouring, 7.8 directand indirect methods, 7.9 Interpolation techniques, 7.10 Uses of contours7.11 Numerical problems on determining intervisibility, 7.12 Grade contoursand uses.4 Hours