Geology and its role in the field of civil engineering. Earth: Its internalstructure and composition. – 2 hoursMINERALOGY:Description and identification of Rock forming minerals and Ores, based onphysical and special properties;Quartz and its varieties; Feldspar group; Mica group; carbonate group;Hornblende, Augite, Olivine, Asbestos, Kaolin, Talc, Gypsum, Garnet,Corundum.Magnetite, Hematite, Limonite, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrolusite, Psilomalane,Chromite, Galena, Bauxite
Rocks as fundamental units and building materials of the earth crust and theirengineering applications: As building stones, road metals and stones fordecoration, pavement, cladding, roofing, flooring, concreting and foundationengineeringIgneous rocks: Origin, classification (chemical and textural), mode ofoccurrence; Identification and description of Granite, Syenite, Diorite,Gabbro, Dunite; Pegmatite, Porphiries, Dolerite; Rhyolite, Basalt andPumice.Sedimentary rocks: Origin, classification, primary structures and descriptionof Sandstones, Conglomerate, Breccia, Shale, Limestones and Laterite.Metamorphic rocks: Kinds of metamorphism, description of Gneiss,Quartzite, Marble, Slate, Phyllite and Schists.
Epigene and Hypgene geological agents; rock weathering and its types; Soilformation, types, erosion and remedial measures; Geological action of riverswith different drainage patterns; Geological action of wind
Earthquakes- seismic waves, seismograph, causes, effects, seismic zones,shield areas and seismic resisting structures. Coastal zones, coastallandforms, continental shelf, continental rise, continental slope, abyssal plain,mid-oceanic ridges, trenches, tsunamis. Land slides; causes, effects andremedial measures
Stress, strain and deformational effects on different rocks; Out crop, Dip,strike and escarpment, Clinometer-compass- Joints, faults, folds andunconformities their effects on civil engineering structures.
Geotechnical investigations for civil engineering projects: Study oftoposheets and geological maps, importance of lithological and structuralfeatures studies for the construction of Dams, Reservoirs, Tunnels, Bridgesand Highways
Hydrological cycle; distribution of ground water in the earth crust; propertiesof water bearing geological formation: Aquifers and their types; selection ofsites for well locations and spacing of wells; geological, hydrological andgeophysical (electrical resistivity) investigations for ground waterexploration; artificial recharge of groundwater methods and rain waterharvesting. Sea water intrusion and remedial measures.
Introduction to remote sensing (RS), geographical information system (GIS)and global positioning system (GPS); land sate imageries, stereoscopes andtheir applications in civil engineering. Impact of quarrying, mining and damson Environment. Quality of ground water in different geological terrain.