Historical development of Numerical techniques, rolein investigations, research and design in the field of civil engineeringDEVELOPMENT OF ALGORITHM/ FLOW CHARTS FORFOLLOWING METHODS FOR SOLUTION OF LINEARSIMULTANEOUS EQUATION:a) Gaussian elimination method,b) Gauss-Jordan matrix inversion method,c) Gauss-Siedel method andd) Factorization method
Constructionplanning, slope deflection method applied to beams, frames and trussanalysis.
Development of algorithm for a) Bisection method andb) Newton-Raphson method and its applications for solution of non linearalgebraic and transcendental equations from problems in hydraulics,irrigation engineering, structural engineering and environmental engineering.
Development of algorithm fora) Trapezoidal rule and b) Simpson’s one third rule and its application forcomputation of area of BMD drawn for statically determinate beams.
New Marks method for computation of slopes and deflections in staticallydeterminate beams.
a) Euler’s method b) Runge Kutta 4thorder method
i. Introduction, expression of derivativesby finite difference: backward differences, forward differences and centraldifferences. ii. Application of finite difference method for analysis ofa) statically determinate beams, b) statically indeterminate beams
Application of Finite difference technique in structural mechanics (Contd..)a) Buckling of columns, b) Beams on elastic foundation.