Introduction, basic definitions, terrestrialphotogrammetry, phototheodolite, horizontal and vertical angles fromterrestrial photographs, horizontal position of a point from photographicmeasurements, elevation of ponts by photographic measurements,determination of focal length.
advantages, vertical, tilted and obliquephotographs, geometry of vertical photographs, scale of vertical photographover flat and variable terrain, ground coordinates, computation of length of aline, computation of flying height, relief displacement, overlaps, flightplanning, computation of required number of photographs for a given area,ground control in photogrammetry
Basics of stereoscopy, stereoscopes, uses, parallax. Basic elements inphotographic interpretation. Introduction to digital photogrammetry
Introduction, Ideal remote sensing system, basic principles ofelectromagnetic remote sensing, electromagnetic energy, electromagneticspectrum, interaction with earth’s atmosphere, interaction with earth- surfacematerials, spectral reflectance of earth surface materials
Introduction, platforms- IRS,Landsat, SPOT, Cartosat, Ikonos, Envisat etc. Sensors-active and passive,MSS, AVHRR, LISS, TM, PAN, WIFS, microwave sensors, sensorresolutions (spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal)
Properties of digital image data, data formats,Basics of digital image processing- radiometric and geometric corrections,image enhancements, image transforms based on arithmetic operations,image filtering
Remote sensing image interpretation, thematic classification (supervised andunsupervised) , maximum likelihood classification, introduction to accuracyassessment of classification
Applications of Remote sensing: applications in land use land cover analysis,change detection, water resources, urban planning, environmental andgeological applications.