BRIDGE PRELIMINARIES: Classification of bridges and standard loads,Bridge-definition, components of bridges, various classification, types ofbridges, forces to be considered for the design, IRC standards.
HYDRAULIC DESIGN: Methods of finding design discharge, natural,artificial and linear water ways, afflux, economic span.
SUBSTRUCTURES AND FOUNDATIONS: Types of abutments, piersand wing walls, forces to be considered for the design, Types of foundationsand forces to be considered for the design, depth of scour
DESIGN AND DRAWING OF RC SLAB CULVERT for IRC class-AAloading, & class A loading. Design of pipe culvert. Empirical design of bankconnections. Drawing slab culvert & pipe culvert for given site particulars.
DESIGN AND DRAWING OF RC T BEAM BRIDGE with cross beamsby Piegaud’s and Courbon’s method for class-AA loading, empirical designof substructures and foundations.
DESIGN OF COMPOSITE BRIDGE: Design of composite bridge forEUDL, Shear connectors-design requirments for shear connectors. Drawingof composite bridge.
Typical Design and detailing of approach slab, Hand rails- Typical design anddetailing of slab culverts and girder bridges as per MOT standards