Introduction to structural dynamics, Brief history of vibration andEarthquakes, Major earthquakes, Earthquakes zones, some basic definitions,Vibration of single degree of freedom system, undamped, damped, freevibrations, logarithmic decrement.
Forced vibrations of single degree freedom systems, response of undampedand damped systems subjected to harmonic loading, rotation unbalance,reciprocating unbalance.
Duhamel’s integral, response due to general system of loading, dynamic loadfactor, response spectrum, response of SDOF subjected to harmonic baseexcitation, vibration isolation.
Free vibration of multi degree of freedom systems, natural frequencies,normal modes, orthoganality property of normal modes, eigen values
Shear buildings modeled as multi degree of freedom systems, free vibrations,natural frequencies.
Forced vibration motion of shear builings, modal super position method,response of shear buldings to base motion, harmonic forced excitation.
Damped motion of shear buildings, equations for damped shear buildings,uncoupled damped equations, conditions for damping uncoupling
Dynamic analysis of beams stiffness matrices, lumped mass and consistentmass formulation equations of motion.