15CV32 Strength of Materials syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Simple Stresses and Strain 10 hours

Introduction, Definition and concept and of stressand strain. Hooke’s law, Stress-Strain diagrams forferrous and non-ferrous materials, factor of safety,Elongation of tapering bars of circular andrectangular cross sections, Elongation due to selfweight.Saint Venant’s principle, Compound bars,Temperature stresses, Compound section subjectedto temperature stresses, state of simple shear,Elastic constants and their relationship.

Module-2 Compound Stresses 10 hours

Compound Stresses:
Introduction, state of stress at a point, General twodimensional stress system, Principal stresses andprincipal planes. Mohr’s circle of stresses
Thin and Thick Cylinders:
Introduction, Thin cylinders subjected to internalpressure; Hoop stresses, Longitudinal stress andchange in volume. Thick cylinders subjected toboth internal and external pressure; Lame’sequation, radial and hoop stress distribution.

Module-3 Shear Force and Bending Moment in Beams 10 hours

Introduction to types of beams, supports andloadings. Definition of bending moment and shearforce, Sign conventions, relationship between loadintensity, bending moment and shear force. Shearforce and bending moment diagrams for staticallydeterminate beams subjected to points load,uniformly distributed loads, uniformly varyingloads, couple and their combinations.

Module-4 Bending and Shear Stresses in Beams 10 hours

Bending and Shear Stresses in Beams:
Introduction, pure bending theory, Assumptions,derivation of bending equation, modulus ofrupture, section modulus, flexural rigidity.Expression for transverse shear stress in beams,Bending and shear stress distribution diagrams forcircular, rectangular, ‘I’, and ‘T’ sections.Shear centre(only concept)
Columns and Struts:
Introduction, short and long columns. Euler’stheory; Assumptions, Derivation for Euler’sBuckling load for different end conditions,Limitations of Euler’s theory. Rankine-Gordon’sformula for columns.

Module-5 Torsion in Circular Shaft 10 hours

Torsion in Circular Shaft:
Introduction, pure torsion, Assumptions, derivationof torsion equation for circular shafts, torsionalrigidity and polar modulus Power transmitted by ashaft, combined bending and torsion.
Theories of Failure:
Introduction, maximum principal stress theory(Rankine’s theory), Maximum shearing stresstheory (Tresca’s theory), Strain energy theory(Beltrami and Haigh), and maximum strain theory(St. Venant’s theory).

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023