15CV33 Fluid Mechanics syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Fluids & Their Properties 10 hours

Fluids & Their Properties:
Concept of fluid, Systems of units. Properties offluid; Mass density, Specific weight, Specificgravity, Specific volume, Viscosity, Cohesion,Adhesion, Surface tension& Capillarity. Fluid as acontinuum, Newton’s law of viscosity (theory &problems).Capillary rise in a vertical tube andbetween two plane surfaces (theory & problems).vapor pressure of liquid, compressibility and bulkmodulus, capillarity, surface tension, pressureinside a water droplet, pressure inside a soapbubble and liquid jet. Numerical problems
Fluid Pressure and Its Measurements:
Definition of pressure, Pressure at a point,Pascal’s law, Variation of pressure with depth.Types of pressure. Measurement of pressure usingsimple, differential & inclined manometers (theory& problems). Introduction to Mechanical andelectronic pressure measuring devices.

Module-2 Hydrostatic forces on Surfaces 10 hours

Hydrostatic forces on Surfaces :
Definition, Total pressure, centre of pressure, totalpressure on horizontal, vertical and inclined planesurface, total pressure on curved surfaces, waterpressure on gravity dams, Lock gates. NumericalProblems.
Fundamentals of fluid flow (Kinematics):
Introduction. Methods of describing fluid motion.Velocity and Total acceleration of a fluid particle.Types of fluid flow, Description of flow pattern.Basic principles of fluid flow, three-dimensionalcontinuity equation in Cartesian coordinatesystem. Derivation for Rotational and irroationalmotion. Potential function, stream function,orthogonality of streamlines and equipotentiallines. Numerical problems on Stream function andvelocity potential.Introduction to flow net.

Module-3 Fluid Dynamics 10 hours

Fluid Dynamics:
Introduction. Forces acting on fluid in motion.Euler’s equation of motion along a streamline andBernoulli’s equation. Assumptions and limitationsof Bernoulli’s equation. Modified Bernoulli’sequation. Problems on applications of Bernoulli’sequation (with and without losses).Vortex motion; forced vortex, free vortex, problemsMomentum equation problems on pipe bends.
Introduction. Venturimeter, Orificemeter, Pitottube. Numerical Problems

Module-4 Orifice and Mouthpiece 10 hours

Orifice and Mouthpiece:
Introduction, classification, flow through orifice,hydraulic coefficients, Numerical problems.Mouthpiece, classification, Borda’s Mouthpiece(No problems).
Notches and Weirs:
Introduction. Classification, discharge overrectangular, triangular, trapezoidal notches,Cippoletti notch, broad crested weirs. Numericalproblems. Ventilation of weirs, submerged weirs.

Module-5 Flow through Pipes 10 hours

Flow through Pipes:
Introduction. Major and minor losses in pipe flow.Darcy-Weisbach equation for head loss due tofriction in a pipe. Pipes in series, pipes in parallel,equivalent pipe-problems. Minor losses in pipeflow, equation for head loss due to suddenexpansion. Numerical problems.Hydraulic gradient line, energy gradient line.Pipe Networks, Hardy Cross method, Numericalproblems.
Surge Analysis in Pipes:
Water hammer in pipes, equations for pressurerise due to gradual valve closure and suddenclosure for rigid and elastic pipes. Problems

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023