15CVL38 Basic Surveying Practice syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 0 hours

a) Measurements of distances using tape along withhorizontal planes and slopes, direct ranging.
b) Setting out perpendiculars. Use of cross staff,optical square.

Module-2 0 hours

Obstacles in chaining and ranging – Chaining but notranging, ranging but not chaining, both ranging andchaining.

Module-3 0 hours

Measurements of bearings / directions using prismaticcompass, setting of geometrical figures using prismaticcompass.

Module-4 0 hours

Measurement of bearings of sides of a closed traverseand adjustment of closing error by Bowditch method.

Module-5 0 hours

Determination of distance between two inaccessiblepoints using compass and accessories

Module-6 0 hours

Determination of reduced levels of points using dumpylevel/auto level (simple leveling)

Module-7 0 hours

Determination of reduced levels of points using dumpylevel/auto level (differential leveling and invertedleveling)

Module-8 0 hours

To determine the difference in elevation between twopoints using Reciprocal leveling and to determine thecollimation error

Module-9 0 hours

To conduct profile leveling, cross sectioning and blockleveling. Plotting profile and cross sectioning in excel.Block contour on graph paper to scale

Module-10 0 hours

Measurement of horizontal angle by repetition andreiteration methods and Measurement of verticalangles using theodolite.

Module-11 0 hours

Determination of horizontal distance and verticalheight to a base inaccessible object using theodolite bysingle plane and double plane method.

Module-12 0 hours

To determine distance and elevation usingtachometric surveying with horizontal and inclinedline of sight.

Module-13 0 hours

Closed traverse surveying using Theodolite andapplying corrections for error of closure by transitrule.

Module-14 0 hours

Demonstration of Minor instruments likeClinometer, Ceylon Ghat tracer, Box sextant, Handlevel, Planimeter, nautical sextant and Pentagraph.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023