a) Measurements of distances using tape along withhorizontal planes and slopes, direct ranging.b) Setting out perpendiculars. Use of cross staff,optical square.
Obstacles in chaining and ranging – Chaining but notranging, ranging but not chaining, both ranging andchaining.
Measurements of bearings / directions using prismaticcompass, setting of geometrical figures using prismaticcompass.
Measurement of bearings of sides of a closed traverseand adjustment of closing error by Bowditch method.
Determination of distance between two inaccessiblepoints using compass and accessories
Determination of reduced levels of points using dumpylevel/auto level (simple leveling)
Determination of reduced levels of points using dumpylevel/auto level (differential leveling and invertedleveling)
To determine the difference in elevation between twopoints using Reciprocal leveling and to determine thecollimation error
To conduct profile leveling, cross sectioning and blockleveling. Plotting profile and cross sectioning in excel.Block contour on graph paper to scale
Measurement of horizontal angle by repetition andreiteration methods and Measurement of verticalangles using theodolite.
Determination of horizontal distance and verticalheight to a base inaccessible object using theodolite bysingle plane and double plane method.
To determine distance and elevation usingtachometric surveying with horizontal and inclinedline of sight.
Closed traverse surveying using Theodolite andapplying corrections for error of closure by transitrule.
Demonstration of Minor instruments likeClinometer, Ceylon Ghat tracer, Box sextant, Handlevel, Planimeter, nautical sextant and Pentagraph.