15CV52 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 10 hours

Slope Deflection Method: Introduction, sign convention, development of slope deflection equation, analysis of continuous beams including settlements, Analysis of orthogonal rigid plane frames including sway frames with kinematic indeterminacy ≤ 3

Module-2 10 hours

Moment Distribution Method: Introduction, Definition of terms, Development of method, Analysis of continuous beams with support yielding, Analysis of orthogonal rigid plane frames including sway frames with kinematic indeterminacy ≤ 3

Module-3 8 hours

Kani’s Method: Introduction, Concept, Relationships between bending moment and deformations, Analysis of continuous beams with and without settlements, Analysis of frames with and without sway

Module-4 12 hours

Matrix Method of Analysis ( Flexibility Method) : Introduction, Axes and coordinates, Flexibility matrix, Analysis of continuous beams and plane trusses using system approach, Analysis of simple orthogonal rigid frames using system approach with static indeterminacy ≤ 3

Module-5 12 hours

Matrix Method of Analysis (Stiffness Method): Introduction, Stiffness matrix, Analysis of continuous beams and plane trusses using system approach, Analysis of simple orthogonal rigid frames using system approach with kinematic indeterminacy ≤ 3

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023