15CV551 Air pollution and Control syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours

Introduction: Definition, Sources, classification and characterization of air pollutants. Effects of air pollution on health, vegetation & materials. Types of inversion, photochemical smog.

Module-2 8 hours

Meteorology: Temperature lapse rate & stability, wind velocity & turbulence, plume behavior, measurement of meteorological variables, wind rose diagrams, Plume Rise, estimation of effective stack height and mixing depths. Development of air quality models-Gaussian dispersion model

Module-3 8 hours

Sampling: Sampling of particulate and gaseous pollutants (Stack, Ambient & indoor air pollution), Monitoring and analysis of air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, SOX, NOX, CO, NH3)

Module-4 8 hours

Control Techniques: Particulate matter and gaseous pollutants- settling chambers, cyclone separators, scrubbers, filters & ESP.

Module-5 8 hours

Air pollution due to automobiles, standards and control methods. Noise pollutioncauses, effects and control, noise standards.

Environmental issues, global episodes, laws, acts, protocols

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023