15CV554 Theory of Elasticity syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours

Concepts of continuum, Stress at a point, Components of stress, Differential equations of equilibrium, Stress transformation, Principal stresses, Maximum shear stress, Stress invariants.

Strain at a point, Infinitesimal strain, Strain-displacement relations, Components of strain, Compatibility Equations, Strain transformation, Principal strains, Strain invariants, Measurement of surface strains, strain rosettes

Module-2 8 hours

Generalized Hooke’s Law, Stress-strain relationships, Equilibrium equations in terms of displacements and Compatibility equations in terms of stresses, Plane stress and plane strain problems, St. Venant’s principle, Principle of superposition, Uniqueness theorem, Airy’s stress function, Stress polynomials (Two Dimensional cases only).

Module-3 8 hours

Two-dimensional problems in rectangular coordinates, bending of a cantilever beam subjected to concentrated load at free end, effect of shear deformation in beams, Simply supported beam subjected to Uniformly distributed load.

Two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates, strain-displacement relations equations of equilibrium, compatibility equation, stress function.

Module-4 8 hours

Axisymmetric stress distribution - Rotating discs, Lame’s equation for thick cylinder, Effect of circular hole on stress distribution in plates subjected to tension, compression and shear, stress concentration factor.

Module-5 8 hours

Torsion: Inverse and Semi-inverse methods, stress function, torsion of circular, elliptical, triangular sections

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023