15CV561 Traffic Engineering syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours

Traffic Planning and Characteristics: Road Characteristics-Road user characteristics, PIEV theory, Vehicle Performance characteristics, Fundamentals of Traffic Flow, Urban Traffic problems in India, Integrated planning of town, country, regional and all urban infrastructures, Sustainable approach- land use & transport and modal integration.

Module-2 8 hours

Traffic Surveys: Traffic Surveys- Speed, journey time and delay surveys, Vehicles Volume Survey including non-motorized transports, Methods and interpretation, Origin Destination Survey, Methods and presentation, Parking Survey, Accident analyses-Methods, interpretation and presentation, Statistical applications in traffic studies and traffic forecasting, Level of service- Concept, applications and significance.

Module-3 8 hours

Traffic Design and Visual Aids: Intersection Design- channelization, Rotary intersection design, Signal design, Coordination of signals, Grade separation, Traffic signs including VMS and road markings, Significant roles of traffic control personnel, Networking pedestrian facilities & cycle tracks.

Module-4 8 hours

Traffic Safety and Environment: Road accidents, Causes, effect, prevention, and cost, Street lighting, Traffic and environment hazards, Air and Noise Pollution, causes, abatement measures, Promotion and integration of public transportation, Promotion of non-motorized transport

Module-5 8 hours

Traffic Management: Area Traffic Management System, Traffic System Management (TSM) with IRC standards, Traffic Regulatory Measures, Travel Demand Management (TDM), Direct and indirect methods, Congestion and parking pricing, All segregation methods- Coordination among different agencies, Intelligent Transport System for traffic management, enforcement and education.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023