15CV562 Sustainability Concepts in Engineering syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 8 hours

Introduction: Sustainability - Introduction, Need and concept of sustainability, Social-environmental and economic sustainability concepts. Sustainable development, Nexus between Technology and Sustainable development, Challenges for Sustainable Development. Multilateral environmental agreements and Protocols - Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Environmental legislations in India - Water Act, Air Act

Module-2 8 hours

Global Environmental Issue: Resource degradation, Climate change, Regional and Local Environmental Issues. Carbon credits and carbon trading, carbon foot print Carbon sequestration – Carbon capture and storage (CCS). Environmental management standards, ISO 14000 series, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) - Scope and Goal, Bio-mimicking

Module-3 8 hours

Sustainable Design: Basic concepts of sustainable habitat, Green buildings, green materials for building construction, material selection for sustainable design, green building certification- GRIHA & IGBC Certification for buildings, Energy efficient building design- Passive solar design technique, Thermal storage, Cooling strategies, high performance insulation. Sustainable cities, Sustainable transport.

Module-4 8 hours

Clean Technology and Energy: Energy sources: Basic concepts-Conventional and non-conventional, solar energy, Fuel cells, Wind energy, Small hydro plants, bio-fuels, Energy derived from oceans, Geothermal energy. Rainwater harvesting

Module-5 8 hours

Green Engineering: Green Engineering concepts, Sustainable Urbanization, industrialization and poverty reduction; Social and technological change, Industrial Processes: Material selection, Pollution Prevention, Industrial Ecology, Industrial symbiosis.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023