15CV741 Design of Bridges syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to bridges 8 hours

Introduction to bridges, classification, computation of discharge, linear waterway, economic span, afflux, scour depth Design loads for bridges, introduction to I.R.C. loading standards, Load Distribution Theory, Bridge slabs, Effective width, Introduction to methods as per I.R.C.

Module-2 Design of Slab Bridges 8 hours

Design of Slab Bridges:

Straight and skew slab bridges

Module-3 Design of T beam bridges(up to three girder only) 8 hours

Design of T beam bridges(up to three girder only) Proportioning of components, analysis of slab using IRC Class AA tracked vehicle, structural design of slab, analysis of cross girder for dead load & IRC Class AA tracked vehicle, structural design of cross girder, analysis of main girder using Courbon’s method, calculation of dead load BM and SF, calculation of live load B M & S F using IRC Class AA Tracked vehicle. Structural design of main girder.

Module-4 Other Bridges 8 hours

Other Bridges: Design of Box culvert (Single vent only)Design of Pipe culverts

Module-5 Substructures 8 hours

Substructures - Design of Piers and abutments, Introduction to Bridge bearings, Hinges and Expansion joints.(No design)


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the load distribution and IRC standards.

2. Design the slab and T beam bridges.

3. Design Box culvert, pipe culvert

4. Use bearings, hinges and expansion joints and

5. Design Piers and abutments.


Program Objectives: •

Engineering knowledge •

Problem analysis

Interpretation of data


Question paper pattern: •

  • The question paper will have 5 modules comprising of ten questions.
  • Each full question carrying 16 marks •
  • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three subdivisions, if necessary) from each module.
  • • Each full question shall cover the topics as a module • The students shall answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
  • If more than one question is answered in modules, best answer will be considered for the award of marks limiting one full question answer in each module.


Text Books:

1. Johnson Victor. D, “Essentials of Bridge Engineering”, Oxford Publishing Company.

2. N Krishna Raju, “Design of Bridges, Oxford and IBH publishing company

3. T R Jagadeesh and M A Jayaram, “Design of bridge structures”, Prentice Hall of India


Reference Books:

1. Jain and Jaikrishna, “Plain and Reinforced Concrete”, Vol.2., Nem Chand Brothers.

2. Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges, IRC section I,II, III and IV.

3. “Concrete Bridges”, The Concrete Association of India

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023