15CV742 Ground Water & Hydraulics syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction 7 hours


Importance, vertical distribution of subsurface water, occurrence in different types of rocks and soils, definitions-aquifers, aquifuge, aquitard, aquiclude,confined and Unconfined aquifers.

Module-2 Fundamentals of Ground Water Flow 8 hours

Fundamentals of Ground Water Flow:

Aquifer parameters, specific yield and specific retention, porosity, storage coefficient, derivation of the expression, Darcy’s law, hydraulic conductivity, coefficient of permeability and intrinsic permeability, transmissibility, permeability in isotropic, unisotropic layered soils, steady one dimensional flow: cases with recharge.

Module-3 Well Hydraulics 10 hours

Well Hydraulics:

Steady Flow, Radial flow in confined and unconfined aquifers, pumping test Unsteady Flow, General equation, derivation; thesis method, Cooper and Jacob method, Chow’s method, solution of unsteady flow equations, leaky aquifers (only introduction), interference of well, image well theory.

Module-4 Ground Water Exploration 7 hours

Ground Water Exploration: Seismic method, electrical resistively method, Geophysical techniques, electrical logging, radioactive logging, induction logging, sonic, and fluid logging.

Module-5 Ground Water Development 8 hours

Ground Water Development:

Types of wells, methods of construction, tube well design, dug wells, pumps for lifting water, working principles, power requirement,Conjunctive use, necessity, techniques and economics.


Ground Water Recharge:

Artificial recharge, groundwater runoff.


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. find the characteristics of aquifers.

2. estimate the quantity of ground water by various methods.

3. locate the zones of ground water resources.

4. select particular type of well and augment the ground water storage.


Program Objectives: •

Engineering knowledge •

Problem analysis

Interpretation of data


Question paper pattern: •

  • The question paper will have 5 modules comprising of ten questions.
  • Each full question carrying 16 marks • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three subdivisions, if necessary) from each module.
  • • Each full question shall cover the topics as a module • The students shall answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
  • If more than one question is answered in modules, best answer will be considered for the award of marks limiting one full question answer in each module.


Text Books:

1. H.M. Raghunath, “Ground Water”, Wiley Eastern Publication, New Delhi.

2. K. Todd, “Ground Water Hydrology”, Wiley and Sons, New Delhi.

3. Bower. H., “Ground Water Hydrology” McGraw Hill, New Delhi.


Reference Books:

1. Garg Satya Prakash, “Ground Water and Tube Wells”, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.

2. W. C. Walton, “Ground Water Resources and Evaluation” McGraw Hill, Delhi.

3. Michel, D. M., Khepar, S. D., Sondhi, S. K., “Water Wells and Pumps” McGraw Hill, Delhi.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023