15CV751 Urban Transportation and Planning syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Urban transport planning 8 hours

Urban transport planning:

Urbanization, urban class groups, transportation problems and identification, impacts of transportation, urban transport system planning process, modeling techniques in planning. Urban mass transportation systems: urban transit problems, travel demand, types of transit systems, public, private, para-transit transport, mass and rapid transit systems, BRTS and Metro rails, capacity, merits and comparison of systems, coordination, types of coordination.

Module-2 Data Collection And Inventories 8 hours

Data Collection And Inventories:

Collection of data – Organisation of surveys and Analysis, Study Area, Zoning, Types and Sources of Data, Road Side Interviews, Home Interview Surveys, Commercial Vehicle Surveys, Sampling Techniques, Expansion Factors, Accuracy Checks, Use of Secondary Sources, Economic data – Income – Population – Employment – Vehicle Owner Ship.

Module-3 Trip Generation & Distribution 8 hours

Trip Generation & Distribution:

UTPS Approach, Trip Generation Analysis: Zonal Models, Category Analysis, Household Models, Trip Attraction models, Commercial Trip Rates; Trip Distribution by Growth Factor Methods. Problems on above

Module-4 Trip Distribution 8 hours

Trip Distribution:

Gravity Models, Opportunity Models, Time Function Iteration Models. Travel demand modeling: gravity model, opportunity models, Desire line diagram. Modal split analysis.

Problems on above

Module-5 Traffic Assignment 8 hours

Traffic Assignment:

Diversion Curves; Basic Elements of Transport Networks, Coding, Route Properties, Path Building Criteria, Skimming Tree, All-or-Nothing Assignment, Capacity Restraint Techniques, Reallocation of Assigned Volumes, Equilibrium Assignment. Introduction to land use planning models, land use and transportation interaction.


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Design, conduct and administer surveys to provide the data required for transportation planning.

2. Supervise the process of data collection about travel behavior and analyze the data for use in transport planning.

3. Develop and calibrate modal split, trip generation rates for specific types of land use developments.

4. Adopt the steps that are necessary to complete a long-term transportation plan.


Program Objectives:

•Engineering knowledge •

Problem analysis •

Interpretation of data


Question paper pattern: •

  • The question paper will have 5 modules comprising of ten questions.
  • Each full question carrying 16 marks • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three subdivisions, if necessary) from each module. •
  • Each full question shall cover the topics as a module • The students shall answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
  • If more than one question is answered in modules, best answer will be considered for the award of marks limiting one full question answer in each module.


Text Books:

1. Kadiyali.L.R., ‘Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning’, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.

2. Hutchinson, B.G, ‘Introduction to Urban System Planning’, McGraw Hill.

3. Khisty C.J., ‘Transportation Engineering – An Introduction’ Prentice Hall.

4. Papacostas,‘Fundamentals of Transportation Planning’, Tata McGraw Hill.


Reference Books:

1. Mayer M and Miller E, ‘Urban Transportation Planning: A decision oriented Approach’, McGraw Hill.

2. Bruton M.J., ‘Introduction to Transportation Planning’, Hutchinson of London.

3. Dicky, J.W., ‘Metropolitan Transportation Planning’, Tata McGraw Hill.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023