15CV754 Reinforced Earth Structures syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Basics of Reinforced Earth Construction 8 hours

Basics of Reinforced Earth Construction:

Definition, Historical Background, Components, Mechanism and Concept, Advantages and Disadvantage of reinforced earth Construction, Sandwich technique for clayey soil.


Geosynthetics and Their Functions:

Historical developments, Recent developments, manufacturing processwoven &non-woven, Raw materials – Classification based on materials type – Metallic and Non-metallic, Natural and Man-made, Geosynthetics


Properties and Tests on Materials Properties

Physical, Chemical, Mechanical, Hydraulic, Endurance and Degradation requirements, Testing & Evaluation of properties

Module-2 Design of Reinforced Earth Retaining Walls 8 hours

Design of Reinforced Earth Retaining Walls:

Concept of Reinforced earth retaining wall, Internal and external stability, Selection of materials, Typical design problems


Soil Nailing Techniques:

Concept, Advantages & limitations of soil nailing techniques, comparison of soil nailing with reinforced soil, methods of soil nailing, Construction sequence, Components of system, Design aspects and precautions to be taken

Module-3 Design of Reinforced Earth Foundations 8 hours

Design of Reinforced Earth Foundations:

Modes of failure of foundation, Determination of force induced in reinforcement ties – Location of failure surface, tension failure and pull out resistance, length of tie and its curtailment, Bearing capacity improvement in soft soils, General guidelines.

Module-4 Geosynthetics for Roads and Slopes 8 hours

Geosynthetics for Roads and Slopes:

Roads - Applications to Temporary and Permanent roads, Role of Geosynthetic in enhancing properties of road, control of mud pumping, Enhancing properties of subgrade, Design requirements Slopes – Causes for slope failure, Improvement of slope stability with Geosynthetic, Drainage requirements, Construction technique. Simple Numerical Stability Checking Problems on Reinforced Slopes

Module-4 Geosynthetics for Roads and Slopes 8 hours

Geosynthetics for Roads and Slopes:

Roads - Applications to Temporary and Permanent roads, Role of Geosynthetic in enhancing properties of road, control of mud pumping, Enhancing properties of subgrade, Design requirements Slopes – Causes for slope failure, Improvement of slope stability with Geosynthetic, Drainage requirements, Construction technique. Simple Numerical Stability Checking Problems on Reinforced Slopes



Filter & Drain – Conventional granular filter design criteria, Geosyntheticfilter design requirements, Drain and filter properties, Design criteria – soilretention, Geosynthetic permeability, anticlogging, survivability and durability (No Numerical Problems) Landfills – Typical design of Landfills – Landfill liner & cover, EPA Guidelines, Barrier walls for existing landfills and abandoned dumps (No Numerical Problems)


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. identify, formulate reinforced earth techniques that are suitable for different soils and in different structures;

2. understand the laboratory testing concepts of Geosynthetics

3. design RE retaining structures and Soil Nailing concepts

4. Determine the load carrying capacity of Foundations resting on RE soil bed.

5. asses the use of Geosynthetics in drainage requirements and landfill designs


Program Objectives:

•Engineering knowledge

•Problem analysis

Interpretation of data


Question paper pattern: •

  • The question paper will have 5 modules comprising of ten questions.
  • Each full question carrying 16 marks • There will be two full questions (with a maximum of three subdivisions, if necessary) from each module.
  • • Each full question shall cover the topics as a module • The students shall answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
  • If more than one question is answered in modules, best answer will be considered for the award of marks limiting one full question answer in each module.


Text Books:

1. Koerner. R.M, “Design with Geosynthetics”, Prince Hall Publications

2. Koerner. R.M. &Wesh, J.P, “Construction and Geotechnical Engineering using synthetic fabrics”, Wiley Inter Science, NewYork,.

3. SivakumarBabu G. L., “An introduction to Soil Reinforcement and Geosynthetics”, Universities Press, Hyderabad

4. Swami Saran, “Reinforced Soil and its Engineering Applications”, I. K. International Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi

5. Venkattappa Rao, G., & Suryanarayana Raju., G. V.S, “Engineering with Geosynthetics”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Company Limited., New Delhi.


Reference Books:

1. Jones, “Earth reinforcement and Soil structure”, CJEP Butterworths, London

2. Ingold, T.S. & Millar, K.S, “Geotextile Hand Book”, Thomas, Telford, London.

3. Hidetoshi Octial, Shigenori Hayshi& Jen Otani, “Earth Reinforcement Practices”,Vol. I, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam

4. Bell F.G, “Ground Engineer’s reference Book”, Butterworths, London

5. Ingold, T.S, “Reinforced Earth”, Thomas, Telford, London.

6. Sarsby R W- Editor, “Geosynthetics in Civil Engineering”, Woodhead Publishing Ltd & CRC Press, 2007

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023