1. Determination of pH, Acidity and Alkalinity 02 Class
2. Determination of Calcium, Magnesium and Total Hardness. 02 Class
3. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen. 4. Determination of BOD. 02 Class
5. Determination of Chlorides 01 Class
6. Determination of percentage of available chlorine in bleaching powder,
Determination of Residual Chlorine 01 Class
7. Determination of Solids in Sewage:
I) Total Solids,
II) Suspended Solids,
III) Dissolved Solids,
IV) Volatile Solids, Fixed Solids,
V) Settle able Solids. 02 Class
8. Determination of Turbidity by Nephelometer 02 Class
9. Determination of Optimum Dosage of Alum using Jar test apparatus. 02 Class
10. Determination of sodium and potassium using flame photometer. 01 Class
11. Determination Nitrates by spectrophotometer. 12. Determination of Iron & Manganese. 01 Class
13. Determination of COD. Demonstration
14. Air Quality Monitoring (Ambient, stack monitoring , Indoor air pollution) Demonstration
15. Determination of Sound by Sound level meter at different location Demonstration
Course Outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Acquire capability to conduct experiments and estimate the concentration of different parameters.
2. Compare the result with standards and discuss based on the purpose of analysis.
3. Determine type of treatment, degree of treatment for water and waste water.
4. Identify the parameter to be analyzed for the student project work in environmental stream.
Program Objectives:
1. Evaluation of the test results and assesses the impact on water and waste water treatment.
2. Train student to undertake student project work in 8th semester in the field of environmental engineering.
Question paper pattern:
Reference Books:
1. Lab Manual, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, Regulatory Standards for Drinking Water and Sewage disposal
2. Clair Sawyer and Perry McCarty and Gene Parkin, “Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science” , McGraw-Hill Series in Civil and Environmental Engineering