15CVL77 Computer Aided Detailing of Structures syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 40 hours

Module -1 Detailing of RCC Structures

1. Beams – Simply supported, Cantilever and Continuous.

2. Slab – One way, Two way and One-way continuous.

3. Staircase – Doglegged

4. Cantilever Retaining wall

5. Counter Fort Retaining wall

6. Circular Water Tank, Rectangular Water Tank. 20 hours


Module -2 Detailing of Steel Structures

1. Connections – Beam to beam, Beam to Column by Bolted and Welded Connections.

2. Built-up Columns with lacings and battens

3. Column bases and Gusseted bases with bolted and welded connections.

4. Roof Truss – Welded and Bolted

5. Beams with Bolted and Welded

6. Gantry Girder                                            20 Hours


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

  • Prepare detailed working drawings


Program Objectives: •

Engineering knowledge •

Problem analysis •

Interpretation of data


Question paper pattern: •

  • Two questions shall be asked from each Module. •
  • One full question should be answered from each Module. •
  • Each question carries 40 marks.


Text Books:

1. N Krishna Raju, “Structural Design and Drawing of Reinforced Concrete and Steel”, University Press

2. Krishna Murthy, “Structural Design and Drawing – Concrete Structures”¸ CBS Publishers, New Delhi


Reference Books:

1. SP 34: Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing, Bureau of Indian Standards

2. IS 13920:2016,Ductile Design And Detailing Of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected To Seismic Forces - Code Of Practice, Bureau of Indian Standard

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023