17CV34 Basic Surveying syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction 10 hours

Introduction: Definition of surveying, Objectives and importance of surveying. Classification of surveys. Principles of surveying. Units of measurements, Surveying measurements and errors, types of errors, precision and accuracy. Classification of maps, map scale, conventional symbols, topographic maps, map layout, Survey of India Map numbering systems.

Measurement of Horizontal Distances: Measuring tape and types. Measurement using tapes, Taping on level ground and sloping ground. Errors and corrections in tape measurements, ranging of lines, direct and indirect methods of ranging, Electronic distance measurement, basic principle. Booking of tape survey work, Field book, entries, Conventional symbols, Obstacles in tape survey, Numerical problems.

Module-2 Measurement of Directions and Angles: Compass survey 10 hours

Measurement of Directions and Angles: Compass survey: Basic definitions; meridians, bearings, magnetic and True bearings. Prismatic and surveyor’s compasses, temporary adjustments, declination. Quadrantal bearings, whole circle bearings, local attraction and related problems

Theodolite Survey and Instrument Adjustment: Theodolite and types, Fundamental axes and parts of Transit theodolite, uses of theodolite, Temporary adjustments of transit theodolite, measurement of horizontal and vertical angles, step by step procedure for obtaining permanent adjustment of Transit theodolite

Module-3 Traversing 10 hours

Traversing: Traverse Survey and Computations: Latitudes and departures, rectangular coordinates, Traverse adjustments, Bowditch rule and transit rule, Numerical Problems

Tacheometry: basic principle, types of tacheometry, distance equation for horizontal and inclined line of sight in fixed hair method, problems

Module-4 Leveling 10 hours

Leveling: Basic terms and definitions, Methods of leveling, Dumpy level, auto level, digital and laser levels. Curvature and refraction corrections. Booking and reduction of levels. Differential leveling, profile leveling, fly leveling, check leveling, reciprocal leveling, trigonometric leveling (heights and distances-single plane and double plane methods.)

Module-5 Areas and Volumes 10 hours

Areas and Volumes: Measurement of area – by dividing the area into geometrical figures, area from offsets, mid ordinate rule, trapezoidal and Simpson’s one third rule, area from co-ordinates, introduction to planimeter, digital planimeter. Measurement of volumes- rapezoidal and prismoidal formula.

Contouring: Contours, Methods of contouring, Interpolation of contours, contour gradient, characteristics of contours and uses.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023