17CVL37 Building Materials Testing Laboratory syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Experiments 0 hours


1. Tension test on mild steel and HYSD bars.

2. Compression test on mild steel, cast iron and wood.

3. Torsion test on mild steel circular sections

4. Bending Test on Wood Under two point loading

5. Shear Test on Mild steel- single and double shear

6. Impact test on Mild Steel (Charpy & Izod)

7. Hardness tests on ferrous and non-ferrous metals- Brinell’s, Rockwell and Vicker’s

8. Tests on Bricks and Tiles

9. Tests on Fine aggregates-Moisture content, Specific gravity, Bulk density, Sieve analysis and Bulking

10.Tests on Coarse aggregates-Absorption, Moisture content, specific gravity, Bulk density and Sieve analysis

11.Demonstration of Strain gauges and Strain indicators NOTE: All tests to be carried out as per relevant latest BIS Codes

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023