17CV43 Applied Hydraulics syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Dimensional analysis 10 hours

Dimensional analysis:

Dimensional analysis and similitude: Dimensional homogeneity, Non Dimensional parameter, Rayleigh methods and Buckingham ð theorem, dimensional analysis, choice of variables, examples on various applications.


Model analysis:

Model analysis, similitude, types of similarities, force ratios, similarity laws, model classification, Reynolds model, Froude’s model, Euler’s Model, Webber’s model, Mach model, scale effects, Distorted models. Numerical problems on Reynold’s, and Froude’s Model


Buoyancy and Flotation:

Buoyancy, Force and Centre of Buoyancy, Metacentre and Metacentric height, Stability of submerged and floating bodies, Determination of Metacentric height, Experimental and theoretical method, Numerical problems

Module-2 Open Channel Flow Hydraulics 10 hours

Open Channel Flow Hydraulics:

Uniform Flow: Introduction, Classification of flow through channels, Chezy’s and Manning’s equation for flow through open channel, Most economical channel sections, Uniform flow through Open channels, Numerical Problems. Specific Energy and Specific energy curve, Critical flow and corresponding critical parameters, Metering flumes, Numerical Problems

Module-3 Non-Uniform Flow 10 hours

Non-Uniform Flow:

Hydraulic Jump, Expressions for conjugate depths and Energy loss, Numerical Problems Gradually varied flow, Equation, Back water curve and afflux, Description of water curves or profiles, Mild, steep, critical, horizontal and adverse slope profiles, Numerical problems, Control sections

Module-4 Hydraulic Machines 10 hours

Hydraulic Machines:

Introduction, Impulse-Momentum equation. Direct impact of ajet on a stationary and moving curved vanes, Introduction to concept of velocity triangles, impact of jet on a series of curved vanes- Problems


Turbines – Impulse Turbines:

Introduction to turbines, General lay out of a hydroelectric plant, Heads and Efficiencies, classification of turbines. Pelton wheelcomponents, working principle and velocity triangles. Maximum power, efficiency, working proportions – Numerical problems

Module-5 Reaction Turbines and Pumps 10 hours

Reaction Turbines and Pumps:

Radial flow reaction turbines: (i) Francis turbineDescriptions, working proportions and design, Numerical problems. (ii) Kaplan turbine- Descriptions, working proportions and design, Numerical problems. Draft tube theory and unit quantities. (No problems)

Centrifugal pumps: Components and Working of centrifugal pumps, Types of centrifugal pumps, Work done by the impeller, Heads and Efficiencies, Minimum starting speed of centrifugal pump, Numerical problems, Multi-stage pumps.


Course outcomes: After a successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply dimensional analysis to develop mathematical modeling and compute the parametric values in prototype by analyzing the corresponding model parameters

2. Design the open channels of various cross sections including economical channel sections

3. Apply Energy concepts to flow in open channel sections, Calculate Energy dissipation,

4. Compute water surface profiles at different conditions

5. Design turbines for the given data, and to know their operation characteristics under different operating conditions


Text Books:

1. P N Modi and S M Seth, “Hydraulics and Fluid Mechan ics, including Hydraulic Machines”, 20th edition, 2015, Standard Book House, New Delhi

2. R.K. Bansal, “A Text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hy draulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi

3. S K SOM and G Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechan ics and Fluid Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi


1. K Subramanya, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machin es”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.

2. Mohd. Kaleem Khan, “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Oxford University Press

3. C.S.P. Ojha, R. Berndtsson, and P.N. Chandramouli, “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Oxford University Publication – 2010

4. J.B. Evett, and C. Liu, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics ”, McGraw-Hill Book Company.-2009.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023