17CV44 Concrete Technology syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Concrete Ingredients 10 hours

Concrete Ingredients

Cement – Cement manufacturing process, steps to reduce carbon footprint, chemical composition and their importance, hydration of cement, types of cement. Testing of cement. Fine aggregate: Functions, requirement, Alternatives to River sand, M-sand introduction and manufacturing. Coarse aggregate: Importance of size, shape and texture. Grading and blending of aggregate. Testing on aggregate, requirement. Recycled aggregates Water – qualities of water. Chemical admixtures – plasticizers, accelerators, retarders and air entraining agents. Mineral admixtures – Pozzolanic and cementitious materials, Fly ash, GGBS, silica fumes, Metakaolin and rice husk ash.

Module-2 Fresh Concrete 10 hours

Fresh Concrete

Workability-factors affecting workability. Measurement of workability–slump, Compaction factor and Vee-Bee Consistometer tests, flow tests. Segregation and bleeding. Process of manufacturing of concrete- Batching, Mixing, Transporting, Placing and Compaction. Curing – Methods of curing – Water curing, membrane curing, steam curing, accelerated curing, self- curing. Good and Bad practices of making and using fresh concrete and Effect of heat of hydration during mass concreting at project sites.

Module-3 Hardened Concrete 10 hours

Hardened Concrete

Factors influencing strength, W/C ratio, gel/space ratio, Maturity concept, Testing of hardened concrete, Creep –facto rs affecting creep. Shrinkage of concrete – plastic shrinking and drying shrinkage, Factors affecting shrinkage. Definition and significance of durability. Internal and external factors influencing durability, Mechanisms- Sulphate attack – chloride attack, carbonation, freezing and thawing. Corrosion, Durability requirements as per IS-456, In situ testing of concrete- Penetration and pull out test, rebound hammer test, ultrasonic pulse velocity, core extraction – Principal, applications and limitations.

Module-4 Concrete Mix Proportioning 10 hours

Concrete Mix Proportioning

Concept of Mix Design with and without admixtures, variables in proportioning and Exposure conditions, Selection criteria of ingredients used for mix design, Procedure of mix proportioning. Numerical Examples of Mix Proportioning using IS-10262

Module-5 Special Concretes 10 hours

Special Concretes

RMC- manufacture and requirement as per QCI-RMCPCS, properties, advantages and disadvantages. Self-Compacting concrete- concept, materials, tests, properties, application and typical mix Fiber reinforced concrete - Fibers types, properties, application of FRC. Light weight concrete-material properties and types. Typical light weight concrete mix and aplications


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Relate material characteristics and their influence on microstructure of concrete.

2. Distinguish concrete behaviour based on its fresh and hardened properties.

3. Illustrate proportioning of different types of concrete mixes for required fresh and hardened properties using professional codes.


Text Books:

1. Neville A.M. “Properties of Concrete”-4th Ed., Long man.

2. M.S. Shetty, Concrete Technology - Theory and Practice Published by S. Chand and Company, New Delhi.

3. Kumar Mehta. P and Paulo J.M. Monteiro “Concrete-Mi crostructure, Property and Materials”, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2014

4. A.R. Santha Kumar, “Concrete Technology”, Oxford Un iversity Press, New Delhi (New Edition)


1. M L Gambir, “Concrete Technology”, McGraw Hill Educ ation, 2014.

2. N. V. Nayak, A. K. Jain Handbook on Advanced Concrete Technology, ISBN: 978-81-8487-186-9

3. Job Thomas, “Concrete Technology”, CENGAGE Learning , 2015

4. IS 4926 (2003): Code of Practice Ready-Mixed Concrete [CED 2: Cement and Concrete]Criteria for RMC Production Control, Basic Level Certification for Production Control of Ready Mixed Concrete-BMTPC

5. Specification and Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete, EFNARC, Association House

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023