17CV46 Advanced Surveying syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Curve Surveying 10 hours

Curve Surveying

Curves – Necessity – Types, Simple curves, Elements , Designation of curves, Setting out simple curves by linear methods (numerical problems on offsets from long chord & chord produced method), Setting out curves by Rankines deflection angle method (numerical problems). Compound curves, Elements, Design of compound curves, Setting out of compound curves (numerical problems). Reverse curve between two parallel straights (numerical problems on Equal radius and unequal radius). Transition curves Characteristics , numerical problems on Length of Transition curve, Vertical curves –Types – (theory).

Module-2 Geodetic Surveying and Theory of Errors 10 hours

Geodetic Surveying and Theory of Errors

Geodetic Surveying: Principle and Classification of triangulation system, Selection of base line and stations, Orders of triangulation, Triangulation figures, Reduction to Centre, Selection and marking of stations Theory of Errors: Introduction, types of errors, definitions, laws of accidental errors, laws of weights, theory of least squares, rules for giving weights and distribution of errors to the field observations, determination of the most probable values of quantities.

Module-3 Introduction to Field Astronomy 10 hours

Introduction to Field Astronomy:

Earth, celestial sphere, earth and celestial coordinate systems, spherical triangle, astronomical triangle, Napier’s rule

Module-4 Aerial Photogrammetry 10 hours

Aerial Photogrammetry

Introduction, Uses, Aerial photographs, Definitions, Scale of vertical and tilted photograph (simple problems), Ground Co-ordinates (simple problems), Relief Displacements (Derivation), Ground control, Procedure of aerial survey, overlaps and mosaics, Stereoscopes, Derivation Parallax

Module-5 Modern Surveying Instruments 10 hours

Modern Surveying Instruments

Introduction, Electromagnetic spectrum, Electromagnetic distance measurement, Total station, Lidar scanners for topographical survey. Remote Sensing: Introduction, Principles of energy interaction in atmosphere and earth surface features, Image interpretation techniques, visual interpretation. Digital image processing, Global Positioning system Geographical Information System: Definition of GIS, Key Components of GIS, Functions of GIS, Spatial data, spatial information system Geospatial analysis, Integration of Remote sensing and GIS and Applications in Civil Engineering(transportation, town planning).


Course outcomes: After a successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

1. Apply the knowledge of geometric principles to arrive at surveying problems

2. Use modern instruments to obtain geo-spatial data and analyse the same to appropriate engineering problems.

3. Capture geodetic data to process and perform analysis for survey problems with the use of electronic instruments;

4. Design and implement the different types of curves for deviating type of alignments.


Text Books:

1. B.C. Punmia, “Surveying Vol.2”, Laxmi Publications pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

2. Kanetkar T P and S V Kulkarni , Surveying and Levelling Part 2, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan,

3. K.R. Arora, “Surveying Vol. 1” Standard Book House, New Delhi.

4. Sateesh Gopi, Global Positioning System, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi


Reference Books:

1. S.K. Duggal, “Surveying Vol.I & II”, Tata McGraw Hi ll Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.

2. R Subramanian, Surveying and Leveling, Second edition, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

3. David Clerk, Plane and Geodetic Surveying Vol1 and Vol2, CBS publishers

4. B Bhatia, Remote Sensing and GIS , Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

5. T.M Lillesand,. R.W Kiefer,. and J.W Chipman, Remote sensing and Image interpretation , 5th edition, John Wiley and Sons India

6. James M Anderson and Adward M Mikhail, Surveying theory and practice, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication.

7. Kang-tsung Chang, Introduction to geographic information systems, McGraw Hill Higher Education

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023