17CVL47 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Experiments 40 hours


1. Verification of Bernoulli’s equation

2. Determination of Cd for Venturimeter and Orifice meter

3. Determination of hydraulic coefficients of small vertical orifice

4. Calibration of Rectangular and Triangular notch

5. Calibration of Ogee and Broad crested weir

6. Determination of Cd for Venturiflume

7. Experimental determination of force exerted by a jet on flat and curved plates (Hemispherical Vane).

8. Experimental determination of operating characteristics of Pelton turbine

9. Determination of efficiency of Francis turbine

10.Determination of efficiency of Kaplan turbine

11.Determination of efficiency of centrifugal pump

12.Determination of Major and Minor Losses in Pipes

13.Demonstration Experiments:

a. Reynold’s experiment to understand laminar and turbulent flow

b. Flow Visualization

c. Calibration of Sutro-weir


Course outcomes: During the course of study students will develop understanding of:

1. Properties of fluids and the use of various instruments for fluid flow measurement.

2. Working of hydraulic machines under various conditions of working and their characteristics.


• All experiments are to be included in the examination except demonstration exercises.

• Candidate to perform experiment assigned to him

• Marks are to be allotted as per the split up of marks shown on the cover page of answer script


Reference Books:

1. Sarbjit Singh , Experiments in Fluid Mechanics - PHI Pvt. Ltd.- New Delhi

2. Mohd. Kaleem Khan, “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery”, Oxford University Press

3. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics’ – Dr. P.N. Modi & D r S.M. Seth, Standard Book House- New Delhi. 2009 Edition

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023