17CV52 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Slope Deflection Method 10 hours

Slope Deflection Method:

Introduction, sign convention, development of slope deflection equation, analysis of continuous beams including settlements, Analysis of orthogonal rigid plane frames including sway frames with kinematic indeterminacy≤3

Module-2 Moment Distribution Method 10 hours

Moment Distribution Method:

Introduction, Definition of terms, Development of method, Analysis of continuous beams with support yielding, Analysis of 08 Hours orthogonal rigid plane frames including sway frames with kinematic indeterminacy ≤3

Module-3 Kani’s Method 10 hours

Kani’s Method:

Introduction, Concept, Relationships between bending moment and deformations, Analysis of continuous beams with and without settlements, Analysis of frames with and without sway

Module-4 Matrix Method of Analysis ( Flexibility Method) 10 hours

Matrix Method of Analysis ( Flexibility Method):

Introduction, Axes and coordinates, Flexibility matrix, Analysis of continuous beams and plane trusses using system approach, Analysis of simple orthogonal rigid frames using system approach with static indeterminacy ≤3

Module-5 Matrix Method of Analysis (Stiffness Method) 10 hours

Matrix Method of Analysis (Stiffness Method):

Introduction, Stiffness matrix, Analysis of continuous beams and plane trusses using system approach, Analysis of simple orthogonal rigid frames using system approach with kinematic indeterminacy ≤3


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Determine the moment in indeterminate beams and frames having variable moment of inertia and subsidence using slope defection method

2. Determine the moment in indeterminate beams and frames of no sway and sway using moment distribution method.

3. Construct the bending moment diagram for beams and frames by Kani’s method.

4. Construct the bending moment diagram for beams and frames using flexibility method

5. Analyze the beams and indeterminate frames by system stiffness method.


Text Books:

1. Hibbeler R C, “ Structural Analysis”, Pearson Publication

2. L S Negi and R S Jangid, “Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.

3. D S Prakash Rao, “Structural Analysis: A Unified Approach” , Universities Press

4. K.U. Muthu, H.Narendra etal, “Indeterminate Structural Analysis”, IK International Publishing Pvt. Ltd.


Reference Books:

1. Reddy C S, “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.

2. Gupta S P, G S Pundit and R Gupta, “Theory of Structures”, Vol II, Tata McGraw Hill Publications company Ltd.

3. V N Vazirani and M M Ratwani, “Analysis Of Structures ”, Vol. 2, Khanna Publishers

4. Wang C K, “Intermediate Structural Analysis”, McGraw Hill, International Students Edition.

5. S.Rajasekaran and G. Sankarasubramanian, “Computational Structural Mechanics”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023