17CV551 Air pollution and Control syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction 8 hours


Definition, Sources, classification and characterization of air pollutants. Effects of air pollution on health, vegetation & materials. Types of inversion, photochemical smog.

Module-2 Meteorology 8 hours


Temperature lapse rate & stability, wind velocity & turbulence, plume behavior, measurement of meteorological variables, wind rose diagrams, Plume Rise, estimation of effective stack height and mixing depths. Development of air quality models-Gaussian dispersion model

Module-3 Sampling 8 hours


Sampling of particulate and gaseous pollutants (Stack, Ambient & indoor air pollution), Monitoring and analysis of air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, SOX, NOX, CO, NH3)

Module-4 Control Techniques 8 hours

Control Techniques:

Particulate matter and gaseous pollutants- settling chambers, cyclone separators, scrubbers, filters & ESP.

Module-5 Air pollution due to automobiles 8 hours

Air pollution due to automobiles, standards and control methods. Noise pollution causes, effects and control, noise standards. Environmental issues, global episodes, laws, acts, protocols.


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Identify the major sources of air pollution and understand their effects on health and environment.

2. Evaluate the dispersion of air pollutants in the atmosphere and to develop air quality models.

3. Ascertain and evaluate sampling techniques for atmospheric and stack pollutants.

4. Choose and design control techniques for particulate and gaseous emissions.


Text Books:

1. M. N. Rao and H V N Rao, “Air pollution”, Tata Mc-G raw Hill Publication.

2. H. C. Perkins, “Air pollution”. Tata McGraw Hill Publication

3. Mackenzie Davis and David Cornwell, “Introduction t o Environmental Engineering” McGraw-Hill Co.


Reference Books:

1. Noel De Nevers, “Air Pollution Control Engineering” , Waveland Pr Inc.

2. Anjaneyulu Y, “Text book of Air Pollution and Contr ol Technologies”, Allied Publishers

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023