17CV561 Traffic Engineering syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Traffic Planning and Characteristics 8 hours

Traffic Planning and Characteristics:

Road Characteristics-Road user characteristics, PIEV theory, Vehicle Performance characteristics, Fundamentals of Traffic Flow, Urban Traffic problems in India, Integrated planning of town, country, regional and all urban infrastructures, Sustainable approach- land use & transport and modal integration.

Module-2 Traffic Surveys 8 hours

Traffic Surveys:

Traffic Surveys- Speed, journey time and delay surveys, Vehicles Volume Survey including non-motorized transports, Methods and interpretation, Origin Destination Survey, Methods and presentation, Parking Survey, Accident analyses-Methods, interpretation and presentation, Statistical applications in traffic studies and traffic forecasting, Level of service- Concept, applications and significance.

Module-3 Traffic Design and Visual Aids 8 hours

Traffic Design and Visual Aids:

Intersection Design- channelization, Rotary intersection design, Signal design, Coordination of signals, Grade separation, Traffic signs including VMS and road markings, Significant roles of traffic control personnel, Networking pedestrian facilities & cycle tracks

Module-4 Traffic Safety and Environment 8 hours

Traffic Safety and Environment:

Road accidents, Causes, effect, prevention, and cost, Street lighting, Traffic and environment hazards, Air and Noise Pollution, causes, abatement measures, Promotion and integration of public transportation, Promotion of non-motorized transport.

Module-5 Traffic Management 8 hours

Traffic Management:

Area Traffic Management System, Traffic System Management (TSM) with IRC standards, Traffic Regulatory Measures, Travel Demand Management (TDM), Direct and indirect methods, Congestion and parking pricing, All segregation methods- Coordination among different agencies, Intelligent Transport System for traffic management, enforcement and education. L1,L2,L3,L4


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the human factors and vehicular factors in traffic engineering design.

2. Conduct different types of traffic surveys and analysis of collected data using statistical concepts.

3. Use an appropriate traffic flow theory and to comprehend the capacity & signalized intersection analysis.

4. Understand the basic knowledge of Intelligent Transportation System.


Text Books:

1. Kadiyali.L.R. “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning ”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2013

2. S K Khanna and CEG Justo and A Veeraragavan, “Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand and Bros.

3. Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Specifications: Guidelines and Special Publications on Traffic Planning and Management

4. Salter. R.I and Hounsell N.B, “Highway Traffic Analysis and design”, Macmillan Press Ltd.1996.


Reference Books:

1. Fred L. Mannering, Scott S. Washburn and Walter P. Kilareski, Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011

2. Garber and Hoel, “Principles of Traffic and Highway Engineering”, CENGAGE Learning, New Delhi, 2010

3. SP:43-1994, IRC Specification, “Guidelines on Low-cost Traffic Management Techniques” for Urban Areas, 1994

4. John E Tyworth, “Traffic Management Planning, Operations and control”, Addison Wesly Publishing Company, 1996

5. Hobbs.F.D. “Traffic Planning and Engineering”, University of Brimingham, Peragamon Press Ltd, 2005

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023