17CV564 Occupational Health and Safety syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Occupational Hazard and Control Principles 8 hours

Occupational Hazard and Control Principles:

Safety, History and development, National Safety Policy. Occupational safety and Health Act (OSHA), Occupational Health and Safety administration - Laws governing OSHA and right to know. Accident – causation, investigation, investigation plan, Methods of acquiring accident facts, Supervisory role in accident investigation

Module-2 Ergonomics at Work Place 8 hours

Ergonomics at Work Place:

Ergonomics Task analysis, Preventing Ergonomic Hazards, Work space Envelops, Visual Ergonomics, Ergonomic Standards, Ergonomic Programs. Hazard cognition and Analysis, Human Error Analysis – Fault Tree Analysis – Emergency Response - Decision for action – purpose and considerations

Module-3 Fire Prevention and Protection 8 hours

Fire Prevention and Protection:

Fire Triangle, Fire Development and its severity, Effect of Enclosures, early detection of Fire, Classification of fire and Fire Extinguishers.

Electrical Safety, Product Safety: Technical Requirements of Product safety.

Module-4 Health Considerations at Work Place 8 hours

Health Considerations at Work Place:

types of diseases and their spread, Health Emergency. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – types and advantages, effects of exposure and treatment for engineering industries, municipal solid waste. Environment management plans (EMP) for safety and sustainability

Module-5 Occupational Health and Safety Considerations 8 hours

Occupational Health and Safety Considerations:

Water and wastewater treatment plants, Handling of chemical and safety measures in water and wastewater treatment plants and labs, Construction material manufacturing industries like cement plants, RMC Plants, precast plants and construction sites. Policies, roles and responsibilities of workers, managers and supervisors.


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Identify hazards in the workplace that pose a danger or threat to their safety or health, or that of others.

2. Control unsafe or unhealthy hazards and propose methods to eliminate the hazard.

3. Present a coherent analysis of a potential safety or health hazard both verbally and in writing, citing the occupational Health and Safety Regulations as well as supported legislation.

4. Discuss the role of health and safety in the workplace pertaining to the responsibilities of workers, managers, supervisors.

5. Identify the decisions required to maintain protection of the environment, workplace as well as personal health and safety.


Text Books:

1. Goetsch D.L., (1999), “Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers and Managers”, Prentice Hall.

2. Heinrich H.W., (2007), “Industrial Accident Prevent ion - A Scientific Approach”, McGraw-Hill Book Company National Safety Council and Associate (Data) Publishers Pvt. Ltd., (1991),

3. “Industrial Safety and Pollution Control Handbook


Reference Books:

1. Colling D.A., (1990), “Industrial Safety Management and Technology”, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

2. Della D.E., and Giustina, (1996), “Safety and Environmental Management”, Van Nostrand Reinhold International Thomson Publishing Inc.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023