17CVL58 Concrete and Highway Materials Laboratory syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Modules 0 hours

Part A: Concrete Lab

1. Tests on Cement:

a. Normal Consistency

b. setting time

c. compressive strength

d. fineness by air permeability test e. specific gravity


2. Tests on Concrete:

a. Design of concrete mix as per IS-10262

b. Tests on fresh concrete:

i. slump,

ii. compaction factor and

iii. Vee Bee test

c. Tests on hardened concrete:

i. compressive strength test,

ii. split tensile strength test,

iii. flexural strength test d. NDT tests by rebound hammer and pulse velocity test.


3. Tests on Self Compacting Concrete:

a. Design of self compacting concrete,

b. slump flow test,

c. V-funnel test, d. J-Ring test, e. U Box test and f. L Box test


Part B: High way materials Lab

1. Tests on Aggregates

a. Aggregate Crushing value

b. Los Angeles abrasion test

c. Aggregate impact test

d. Aggregate shape tests (combined index and angularity number)


2. Tests on Bituminous Materials

a. Penetration test

b. Ductility test

c. Softening point test

d. Specific gravity test

e. Viscosity test by tar viscometer

f. Bituminous Mix Design by Marshall Method (Demonstration only)


3. Tests on Soil

a. Wet sieve analysis

b. CBR test


Course outcomes:

During this course, students will develop expertise in; 1.

1. Conduct appropriate laboratory experiments and interpret the results

2. Determine the quality and suitability of cement

3. Design appropriate concrete mix

4. Determine strength and quality of concrete

5. Test the road aggregates and bitumen for their suitability as road material.

6. Test the soil for its suitability as sub grade soil for pavements.


Question paper pattern:

  • All are individual experiments
  • Instructions as printed on the cover page of answer script for split up of marks to be strictly followed
  • All exercises are to be included for practical examination.


Reference Books:

1. M.L.Gambir, “Concrete Manual”, Danpat Rai and sons, New Delhi

2. Shetty M.S, “Concrete Technology”, S. Chand & Co. Ltd, New Delhi.

3. Mehta P.K, “Properties of Concrete”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi.

4. Neville AM, “Properties of Concrete”, ELBS Publications, London.

5. Relevant BIS codes.

6. S K Khanna, C E G Justo and A Veeraragavan, “Highway Materials Testing Laboratory Manual ”, Nem Chand Bros, Roorkee

7. L R Kadiyali, “Highway Engineering ”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi


Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023