17CV63 Highway Engineering syllabus for CV

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Principles of Transportation Engineering 0 hours

Principles of Transportation Engineering:

Importance of transportation, Different modes of transportation and comparison, Characteristics of road transport Jayakar committee recommendations, and implementation – Central Road Fund, Indian Roads Congress, Central Road Research Institute


Highway Development and Planning:

Road types and classification, road patterns, planning surveys, master plan – saturation system of road planning, phasing road development in India, problems on best alignment among alternate proposals Salient Features of 3rd and 4thtwenty year road development plans and Policies, Present scenario of road development in India (NHDP & PMGSY) and in Karnataka (KSHIP & KRDCL) Road development plan - vision 2021.

Module-2 Highway Alignment and Surveys 0 hours

Highway Alignment and Surveys:

Ideal Alignment, Factors affecting the alignment, Engineering surveys-Map study, Reconnaissance, Preliminary and Final location & detailed survey, Reports and drawings for new and re-aligned projects


Highway Geometric Design:

Cross sectional elements–width, surface, camber, Sight distances–SSD, OSD, ISD, HSD, Design of horizontal and vertical alignment–curves, super-elevation, widening, gradients, summit and valley curves

Module-3 Pavement Materials 0 hours

Pavement Materials:

Subgrade soil - desirable properties-HRB soil classificationdetermination of CBR and modulus of subgrade reaction with Problems Aggregates- Desirable properties and tests, Bituminous materials-Explanation on Tar, bitumen, cutback and emulsion-tests on bituminous material


Pavement Design:

Pavement types, component parts of flexible and rigid pavements and their functions, ESWL and its determination (Graphical method only)-Examples

Module-4 Pavement Construction 0 hours

Pavement Construction:

Design of soil aggregate mixes by Rothfuch’s method. Uses and properties of bituminous mixes and cement concrete in pavement construction. Earthwork; cutting and Filling, Preparation of subgrade, Specification and construction of i) Granular Sub base, ii) WBM Base, iii) WMM base, iv) Bituminous Macadam, v) Dense Bituminous Macadam vi) Bituminous Concrete, vii) Dry Lean Concrete sub base and PQC viii) concrete roads

Module-5 Highway Drainage 0 hours

Highway Drainage:

Significance and requirements, Surface drainage system and design-Examples, sub surface drainage system, design of filter materials, Types of cross drainage structures, their choice and location


Highway Economics:

Highway user benefits, VOC using charts only-Examples, Economic analysis - annual cost method-Benefit Cost Ratio method-NPV-IRR methods- Examples, Highway financing-BOT-BOOT concepts


Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Acquire the capability of proposing a new alignment or re-alignment of existing roads, conduct necessary field investigation for generation of required data.

2. Evaluate the engineering properties of the materials and suggest the suitability of the same for pavement construction.

3. Design road geometrics, structural components of pavement and drainage.

4. Evaluate the highway economics by few select methods and also will have a basic knowledge of various highway financing concepts.


Program Objectives:

  • Engineering knowledge
  • Problem analysis
  • Interpretation of data


Text Books:

1. S K Khanna and C E G Justo, “ Highway Engineering”, Nem Chand Bros, Roorkee

2. L R Kadiyali, “Highway Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.

3. R Srinivasa Kumar, “Highway Engineering”, University Press.

4. K.P.subramanium, “Transportation Engineering”, SciTech Publications, Chennai.


Reference Books:

1. Relevant IRC Codes

2. Specifications for Roads and Bridges-MoRT&H, IRC, New Delhi.

3. C. JotinKhisty, B. Kentlal, “Transportation Engineering”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023