Pavement Materials
Aggregates- Origin, Classification, Requirements, properties and tests on Road aggregates, Concepts of size and gradation- design gradation, maximum aggregate size, aggregate blending by different methods to meet specification.
Bitumen and Tar-
Origin, Preparation, Properties and Chemical Constitution of bituminous road binders, Requirements.
Bituminous emulsion and Cutbacks-
Preparation, Characteristics, uses and test. Adhesion of bitumen binders to road aggregates, Adhesion failure, Mechanism of stripping, tests and methods of improving adhesion.
Bituminous mixes:
Mechanical properties, dense and open textured mixes, flexibility and brittleness, (No Hveemstabilo meter and Hubbar- field tests) bituminous mixes, Design methods using Rothfutch’s method only and specification, Marshall mix design criteria, voids in mineral aggregates, voids in total mix, density, flow, stability, percentage voids filled with bitumen. Problems on above.
Equipments in highway construction:
Various types of equipments for excavation, grading and compaction- their working principles, advantages and limitations. Special equipment for bituminous and cement concrete pavement and stabilized soil road construction.
Sub grade:
Earthwork grading and Construction of embankments and cuts for roads, Preparation of subgrade, quality control tests.
Flexible Pavements:
Specifications of materials, Construction method and field control checks for various types of flexible pavement layers.
Cement Concrete Pavements:
Specifications and method of cement concrete pavement construction (PQC, importance of providing DLC as sub base and polythene thin layer between PQC and sub base). Quality control tests, Construction of various types of joints.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Students will be able to evaluate and assess the suitability of any pavement material to be used in various components of pavement by conducting required tests as per IS,IRC specifications
2. Students will be able to formulate the proportions of different sizes of aggregates to suit gradation criteria for various mixes as per MORTH and also design bituminous mixes.
3. Students will be competent to adapt suitable modern technique and equipment for speedy and economic construction.
4. Student will be able to execute the construction of embankment, flexible, rigid pavement and perform required quality control tests at different stages of pavement construction.
Question paper pattern:
1. Highway Engineering- Khanna, S.K., and Justo, C.E.G.: Nem Chand and Bros. Roorkee.
2. Construction Equipment and its Management- Sharma, S.C.:Khanna Publishers.
3. Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design and Construction- Freddy L. Roberts, Kandhal, P.S: University of Texas Austin, Texas. NAPA Education Foundation Lanham, Maryland.
Reference Books
1. RRL, DSIR, ‘Bituminous Materials in Road Construction’, HMSO Publication.
2. RRL, DSIR, ‘Soil Mechanics for Road Engineers’, HMSO Publication.
3. Relevant IRC codes and MoRT& H specifications.