Gravity Dams:
Introduction, forces acting on dam, cause of failure, design principles, principal and shear stresses. Elementary profile and practical profile of a gravity dam. Drainage galleries, joints in gravity dams.
Earth Dams:
Introduction, causes of failure of earth dams, preliminary section, Determination of parametric line by Casagrande’s method. Estimation of seepage.
Types, Design of Ogee spillway, Upstream and downstream profiles, Energy dissipation devices. Diversion Headworks: Design of aprons- Bligh’s and Koshla’s theory, Simple Problems.
Cross Drainage Works:
Introduction, Type of C.D works, Design considerations for C.D works. Transition formula design of protection works, Design of only aqueduct.
Canal Regulation Works:
Introduction, Function of a regulator.
Canal falls:
Necessity and types.
Canal outlets:
Necessity and types.
Course outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to:
1. Check the stability of gravity dams and design the dam.
2. Estimate the quantity of seepage through earth dams.
3. Design spillways and aprons for various diversion works.
4. Select particular type of canal regulation work for canal network.
Question paper pattern:
1. S. K. Garg, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Punmia and Pandey Lal, “Irrigation and Water Power Engineering” Lakshmi Publications, New Delhi.
3. K. R. Arora. “Irrigation, Water Power and Water Resources Engineering” Standard Publications, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. R. K. Sharma, “Text Book of Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
2. P. N. Modi, “Irrigation, Water Resources and Water Power”, Standard Book House, New Delhi.