Part A
Unit-1 Introduction 4 hours

Applications of pattern recognition, statistical decision theory, image processing and analysis.

Unit-2 Probability 7 hours

Introduction, probability of events, random variables, Joint distributions and densities, moments of random variables, estimation of parameters from samples, minimum risk estimators.

Unit-3 Statistical Decision Making 7 hours

Introduction, Baye’s Theorem, multiple features, conditionally independent features, decision boundaries, unequal costs of error, estimation of error rates, the leaving-one-out technique. Characteristic curves, estimating the composition of populations.

Unit-4 Nonparametric Decision Making 8 hours

Introduction, histograms, Kernel and window estimators, nearest neighbor classification techniques, adaptive decision boundaries, adaptive discriminate Functions, minimum squared error discriminate functions, choosing a decision making technique.

Part B
Unit-5 Clustering 7 hours

Introduction, hierarchical clustering, partitional clustering.

Unit-6 Artificial Neural Networks 7 hours

Introduction, nets without hidden layers. nets with hidden layers, the back Propagation algorithms, Hopfield nets, an application.

Unit-7 Processing of Waveforms and Images 12 hours

Introduction, gray level sealing transfoniiations, equalization, geometric image and interpolation, Smoothing, transformations, edge detection, Laplacian and sharpening operators, line detection and template matching, logarithmic gray level sealing, the statistical significance of image features.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023