The nature of Biomedical Signals, Examples of Biomedical Signals, Objectives and difficulties in Biomedical analysis.
Basic electrocardiography, ECG lead systems, ECG signal characteristics.
Digital filters, the Z-transform, elements of digital filter, types of digital filters, transfer function of a difference equation, the z-plane pole-zero plot, the rubber membrane concept.
Principal noise canceler model, 60-Hz adaptive canceling using a sine wave model, other applications of adaptive filtering.
Basics of signal averaging, signal averaging as a digital filter, a typical averager, software for signal averaging, limitations of signal averaging.
Turning point algorithm, Fan algorithm, Huffman coding.
Power spectrum of the ECG, bandpass filtering techniques, differentiation techniques, template matching techniques, a QRS detection algorithm.
ECG interpretation, ST-segment analyzer, portable arrhythmia monitor. VLSI in Digital signal Processing: Digital signal processors, high performance VLSI signal processing, VLSI applications in medicine, VLSI sensors for biomedical signals, VLSI tools, Choice of custom, ASIC, or off-the-shelf components.