Concept of computer control, sequence, loop and supervisor control, centralized, hierarchical and distributed systems, Human Computer interface, hardware requirement for real time applications, specialized processors, interfaces, communications.
Special features of languages for real time application, review of data types, concurrency, exception handling, corountines, low-level facilities. Overview of Real time languages, modula 2 and Ada as a Real Time Languages.
Real Time Operating Systems: (PSOS+Vx WORKS). Scheduling strategies, priority structures, Task management, Real Time Clock Handler, Code sharing, Resource Control, Inter task Communication and Control, Example of Creating and RTOS based on modula 2 kernel; Practical Real Time Operating Systems.
Introduction to Design of Real Time Systems, Specification, Preliminary Design, multitasking Approach, monitors, Rendezvous.
Yourdon, Methodology, Ward and Mellor Method, HATLEY & Pribhai method, MASXOT, PAISLEY System.
Introduction, Petrinets, Analysis of Petri Nets, Scheduling problem Real Time Database, Real Time Vs General Purpose Databases, Transaction priorities and Aborts, Concurrency Control, Disk Scheduling Algorithms, Maintaining Serialization Consistency.
Introduction, Faults, Errors and Failures, Fault types, Detection and Containment, Redundancy, Integrated Failure Handling.
Introduction, Parameters, Reliability Models for Hardware, Software Error Models.