Historical background,RTS Definition, Classification of Real-time Systems, Time constraints, Classification of Programs.
Introduction, Sequence Control, Loop control, Supervisory control, Centralised computer control, Distributed system, Human-computer interface, Benefits of computer control systems.
Introduction,General purpose computer, Single chip microcontroller,Specialized processors, Process-related Interfaces, Data transfer techniques,Communications, Standard Interface.
Introduction,Syntax layout and readability, Declaration and Initialization of Variables and Constants, Modularity and Variables, Compilation, Data types, Control Structure, Exception Handling, Low-level facilities, Co routines, Interrupts and Device handling, Concurrency, Real-time support, Overview of real-time languages.
Introduction, Real-time multi-tasking OS,Scheduling strategies, Priority Structures, Task management, Scheduler and real-time clock interrupt handles, Memory Management, Code sharing, Resource control, Task co-operation and communication, Mutual exclusion,Data transfer, Liveness, Minimum OS kernel, Examples.
Introduction,Specification documentation, Preliminary design, Single-program approach, Foreground/background, Multi-tasking approach, Mutual exclusion,Monitors.
Introduction, Yourdon Methodology, Requirement definition for Drying Oven, Ward and Mellor Method, Hately and Pirbhai Method.