18EC61 Digital Communication syllabus for EC

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Bandpass Signal to Equivalent Low pass 0 hours

Bandpass Signal to Equivalent Low pass:

Hilbert Transform, Pre-envelopes, Complex envelopes, Canonical representation of bandpass signals, Complex low pass representation ofbandpass systems, Complex representation ofband pass signals and systems (Text 1: 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13).


Line codes:

Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar (AMI) and Manchester code and their power spectral densities (Text 1: Ch 6.10). OverviewofHDB3, B3ZS, B6ZS (Ref.1: 7.2)

Module-2 Signaling over AWGN Channels 0 hours

Signaling over AWGN Channels-

Introduction, Geometric representation of signals, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure, Conversion of the continuous AWGN channel into a vector channel, Optimum receivers using coherent detection: ML Decoding, Correlation receiver, matched filter receiver

(Text 1:7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4).

Module-3 Digital Modulation Techniques 0 hours

Digital Modulation Techniques:

Phase shift Keying techniques using coherent detection: generation, detection and error probabilities ofBPSK and QPSK. M­ aryPSK. M-aryQAM (Relevant topics in Text 1of7.6, 7.7).

Frequency shift keying techniques using Coherent detection: BFSK generation, detection and error probability (Relevant topics in Text 1of 7.8). Non coherent orthogonal modulation techniques: BFSK, DPSK Symbol representation, Block diagrams treatment of Transmitter and Receiver, Probability of error (without derivation of probability of error equation)

(Text 1: 7.11, 7.12. 7.13).

Module-4 Communication through Band Limited Channels 0 hours

Commuication through Band Limited Channels:

Digital Transmissioo. through Band limited channels: Digital PAM Transmission through Band limited Channels, Signal design for Band limited Channels: Design of band limited signals for zero lSI-The Nyquist Criterion (statement only), Design ofband limited signals with controlled lSI-Partial Response signals, Probability of error for detection of Digital PAM: Probability of error for detection of Digital PAM with Zero lSI, Symbol-by-Symbol detection of data with controlled lSI (fext 2: 9.1, 9.2, 9.3.1, 9.3.2).

Channel Equalization: Linear Equalizers (ZFE, MMSE),

(Text 2: 9.4.2).

Module-5 Principles of Spread Spectrum 0 hours

Principles of Spread Spectrum:

Spread Spectrum Communication Systems: Model of a Spread Spectrum Digital Communication System, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Systems, Effect of De-spreading on a narrowband Interference, Probability of error (statement only), Some applications of DS Spread Spectrum Signals, Generation of PN Sequences, Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum, CDMA based on IS-95 (Text 2: 11.3.1, 11.3.2, 11.3.3, 11.3.4, 11.3.5, 11.4.2).


Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Associate and applythe concepts ofBandpass sampling to well specified signals and channels.

2 Analyze and compute performance parameters and transfer rates for low pass and bandpass symbol under ideal and corrupted non band limited channels.

3. Test and validate symbol processing and performance parameters at the receiver under ideal and corrupted bandlimited channels.

4. Demonstrate that bandpass signals subjected to corruption and dis­ tortion in a bandlimited channel can be processed at the receiver to meet specified performance criteria.

5. Understand the principles of spread spectrum communications.


Question paper pattern:

• Examination will be conducted for 100 marks with question paper containing 10 full questions, each of 20 marks.

• Each full question can have a maximum of 4 sub questions.

• There will be 2 full questions from each module covering all the topics of the module.

• Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

• The total marks will be proportionally reduced to 60 marks as SEE marks is 60.


Text Books:

1. Simon Haykin, "Digital Communication Systems", John Wiley & sons, FirstEdition,2014, ISBN978-0-471-64735-5.

2 John G Proakis and Masoud Salehi, "Fundamentals of Communication Systems", 2014 Edition, Pearson Education, ISBN 978-8-131-70573-5.


Reference Books:

1. B.P.Lathi and Zhi Ding, ''Modern Digital and Analog communication Systems", Oxford University Press, 4111 Edition, 2010, ISBN: 978-0- 198-07380-2.

2. Ian A Glover and Peter M Grant, "Digital Communications", Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2010, ISBN 978-0-273-71830-7.

3. Bernard Sklar and Ray, ''Digital Communications- Fundamentals and Applications", Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2014, ISBN: 978- 81-317-2092-9.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023